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Shiro and Rin were talking quietly when Yukio and I got out into the main part of the monastery. "Hey dad. Vivian and I just got done packing for the academy," Yukio stated. "Well done you two," Shiro praised, patting me on the head. "Welcome home, Rin," Yukio acknowledged. I smiled and waved at the dark haired boy. "Get into another fight?" Yukio teased. "Shut the hell up.."

I rolled my eyes at the brothers and smiled. These were my best friends, and I wouldn't give that up for anything.

Everyone started talking about how different Rin and Yukio were from each other. "Jeez, tell me about it!" I added on, ruffling Rin's hair playfully to which he smacked my hand away. "And then there's Vivian. You would think she'd be closer to Yukio since they're pretty much the same person, but she hangs out with Rin a majority of the time!" I shrugged and chuckled. "Just shut up!" Rin shouted, turning his head. Blue flames erupted out of nowhere and my eyes widened. I looked over at Yukio, who was unfazed. I guess I should be too, since I'm an exorcist and all, but I couldn't help but remember what had happened to my Father and my Grandfather.

"I-I'm gonna go take a nap," I told Yukio quietly, turning to walk towards my room. "Oh, okay," he said, waving slightly at me. I waved back and walked through the monastery.

《Time Skip》

Sun shined down on my face, waking me up. I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I looked at the time and cursed silently. I woke up late.

I jumped up and threw on a sweatshirt and some shorts. "Yukio, are you still here?!" I called out, poking my head out of my room. No reply. "Damnit," I muttered, walking towards Rin and Yukio's room. "What's with the yelling?" Rin asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Ugh, that bastard left without me," I groaned. I'll just have to find another ride.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast. Do you wanna help?" I asked, looking up at Rin. He shook his head. "As much as I'd love to, I'm too tired," he said. I nodded and left his room, going down the stairs.

I grabbed all of my ingredients and started to make some eggs. Some loud yelling started halfway through my cooking, so i turned off the stove to go check everything out. "Rin? Is everything all right?" I called out as I stepped outside. No reply. The yelling seemed to get louder so I followed the source. When I rounded the corner to the alley, I saw Rin punch someone. "Rin?!" I exclaimed. Rin turned around and I saw my boyfriend laying on the ground. "Reiji?! Rin, what the hell are you doing?" I yelled, glaring at my best friend. "Damn, that hurt," Reiji muttered from the ground. "Babe, are you okay?!" I questioned, running towards him. "I wouldn't push my luck if I were you," Reiji hissed at Rin. My eyes widened at what I saw next.

Reiji's teeth had turned into fangs and he had grown horns from his head. I gasped and stumbled back. What am I going to do? I can't just show Rin I'm an exorcist yet, that would be too dangerous. "Vivian, get back!" Rin yelled at me. I watched in horror as the horns grew longer and his nails got bigger and sharper. Rin got tackled to the ground by Reiji's goons. "Let him go you three!" I yelled. "Sorry Mama, but we can't do that."

"Which part do you want me to burn? Your nose, your mouth? Or perhaps your eyes?" I sat on the floor in shock, my eyes wide in fear. "Reiji Shiratori, drop that right now!" I yelled. Why couldn't I do anything, I'm stronger than this.

"Stop it, get away!" Rin yelled. Blue flames erupted from his body, effectively throwing Reiji and his goons off him. "Satan's flames..." I whispered to myself. Did that mean Rin was gonna die like my father and grandfather? Tears pooled in my eyes at the thought. Something very hot hit my skin and I screamed at the pain it caused. I looked down and saw the metal rod Reiji was holding had dug itself into my stomach. I tried to grab it and rip it out, but it hurt to move my torso. Tears fell rapidly from my eyes as I finally was able to remove the rod and rip it out. I choked on a sob and held my hand to my wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "Vivian!" Rin exclaimed, looking at me with wide eyes. "R-Rin!" I choked out. Rin tried to run to me, but got interrupted as Reiji stepped in front of him. I felt myself get tired as I sat there, unable to do anything. "N-no, don't pass out," I muttered to myself, trying to keep myself awake. It was no use. I was going unconscious. "R-rin.." I whispered, reaching my hand out. My eyelids dropped completely and all consciousness was lost.

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