Chapter 21

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It's my birthday. Nobody has said anything to me about a party so I'm guessing I'll just go out with my friends. Today I have my second doctors appointment to check back on my cuts and my injuries. I'm skipping half of the day of school for this stupid appointment. It's me and Troy's 3 week anniversary today. I need to get there to give him the PewDiePie bookbag I got him. In my opinion it's pretty ugly, but whatever.

~After The Appointment~

They said my leg might need some more surgery to get my bone back into place, my arm is great. They told me that I'm lucky I didn't cut into my vein, because I was really close. They said that my cuts are healing, but they won't go away like some peoples, they don't go away, but they fade. She has this feeling that mine won't because they're deep, and there is lots of them. But otherwise she said I'm doing fine. Off to school. I hug my mom. I'm glad it's just us now, but mom has gotten a lot sadder lately.

"OH MY GOD. ZOEY YOU DIDNT HAVE TO ARE YOU SERIOUS. SERIOUSLY. I LOVE IT. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! ILL GIVE YOU YOUR PRESENT LATER OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU." I laugh and smile. Troy is something else. I wonder what he got me. Probably like a necklace or something. The rest of the school day went great. Troy and all my friends went home early. It was really weird.

I realized Belle wasn't outside playing today, waiting for me to come home. I got off the bus, and got my present from Barbra, some candy.

I wheel in the house, the lights are out and nobody seems to be home. I turn on the lights and go in my room and start reading a book on Wattpad. It's called "Give Or Take" by katiexox386.

I'm hungry. I wheel downstairs to get some food. I open the fridge, noticing some new foods in there. Ooh look! A note. "Please don't eat the new foods. Thanks~xoxo mommy" Well then, I guess the foods are special. I take some Chicken Wings and heat them up in the microwave, still suspicious of what's going on.

I call Danielle, no answer.

I call Troy, no answer.

I call Michelle, no answer.

I call Lynn, no answer.

I just carry on, eating my food. Until I notice something moving. I shake my head off. I'm just seeing things. I see something else move. Okay, this is some serious paranormal activity stuff.

Give Or Take is an actual book by the character "Lynn" in the story. If you could go read it that would be great! Thanks! Once again, the username is katiexox386. I personally love the book. Thanks!

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