Parisan Motorcycle

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Eve saw Villanelle wearing such a beautiful sundress for the occasion, she quickly felt underdressed. Eve stared at Elle's exposed back seeing a small scar. Despite the small scar that meant nothing to Eve; The flat, the clothes, her looks; Villanelle was perfect in every single way imaginable.

Villanelle could see that Eve was staring at her back and broke silence by speaking. " Motorcycle accident" Villanelle Said abruptly. " Excuse me?" Eve said with a quick smile to cover up her previous face of curiosity. " The scar, it was in a motorcycle accident three years ago when I lived in Paris" Villanelle Said as she reached out to her left shoulder blade onto the light scar.

" Sorry" Eve replied. Eve thought it was something else. Her ever searching mind told her it was a cut from some sort of blade. No, a knife a kitchen knife. Eve shook out of herself and mentally said no. She was to be kind to this new person. Eve told herself that Villanelle is kind and she shouldn't dig into her like that. Eve pursed her lips and looked down trying to evade her thoughts and not stare at this pretty woman. Villanelle turned around," You shouldn't say sorry. You're not the one with a scar on her back" Elle chuckled softly and looked at Eve with a light smile. Eve looked up to see those shimmering emerald eyes just like last night. Eve walked over to Villanelle and sat right next to her. Hands in their laps and lips closed.

Both looking out the window. Each taking turns glancing at each other. Minutes passed but it felt like years. Warm, soft, cozy years. Years in the heat and cold passed as they sat in the young and chic bedroom that forecasted over a quaint part of London. The wind blew very so lightly outside as the sun shines on the sidewalk. High afternoon Expresso lovers and dog owners enjoying the day while the two women sat there in the young and chic bedroom. Villanelle got up and a pair of eyes followed. " Wear your hair down, looks better... I'll be outside the room when you're ready to go" that said she walked out giving Eve privacy.

The scar story was a complete lie. One of her abilities was lying and she played it alongside her charms. The Scar was from a kitchen knife in Russia. A guy lacerated her back to she cut her tongue out. Pretty brutally but it got the job done. Villanelle smirked then grabbed her keys. Eve walked out with her curly dark brown hair sitting on her shoulders. Villanelle walked over to the fort and held it for Eve. " Thanks" Eve replies as she stepped through. Elle followed and locked up.

They walked a little to an alleyway , there was a car. Mercedes to be exact that sat on the grey pavement. Today was one of the better days of London which both of them were grateful for.

Two doors opened and closed. The women got in with silence as Villanelle drove off onto the street. Shortly arriving at a crepe shop. Elle looked over to Eve and said " Is this okay? I come here ever so often." Elle Said lightly. " It's fine. Better than my usual meals " Eve jokes about. When she was engaged her fiancé cooked. God knows she'd burn water on the stove. 

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