Chapter twenty-one

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Flora's POV

I woke to a angry Maddy, a confused Tula, a pasted out Melody and wait where's Daniela!!


"Finn went out then Phill followed leaving us alone with one another. After about an hour Daniela went after them." Maddy cut me off. Her tone was bored and annoyed.

"You didn't think to follow!?" I asked. "You remember the last time we let her go out on her own!" I shouted at her.

"Yeah of cause I do!"

"Ooooo! Can we know!?" Tula and Melody asked.

"Ok!" I replied rolling my eyes.

"No not ok! I don't trust them!"

"Maddy if you want tell them I will!" I shouted. Sometime she gets on my nerves!

We all sat down around the fire. Melody woke up to the words 'last time' meaning there was something that had happened before that she wanted to know about. While Tula was just being nosy, no change.

"Well about 2 years ago"


Two years ago


"Maddy! come on!!"

I shouted. Maddy looks at me.

"What about Daniela!? she's further back then me!" She replied. Pointing at Daniela. I sighed and walked up to Maddy.

"I can't trust you on your own! And we still don't know about Daniela so-"

"It's rude to speak about people behind there backs!" A voice whispered. Who was that? The only person we were talking about was Dan-, Wait that was Daniela! I didn't even know that she had a voice.

Maddy stopped a thought. Then clicked it was her. After about 2 minutes of thinking 'what? where? how?' We continued.

It soon became dark so we all shape shifted into are wolf form.

We had not found the charms yet, apart from Maddy who had hers since she was a pup, we all shape shifted. Maddy did it with us because she hated to be left out.

"What's with your ankle? it's all swollen and fat?" Maddy asked. I looked at my ankle there was no change to it; then I looked at Daniela's. It was huge!

"Maddy why are you always so direct? you know people have feelings, right?" I asked

"Oh cause I know!" she barked

"The why do you ask such perusal questions then?"

"I'm just get curious!"

"Oh yeah well th-" I cut myself off and looked out into the dissents.

"What?" Maddy asked sharply notting that I was looking off somewhere.

"Where's Daniela?" I asked turning to look at Maddy. She face palmed herself.

"Why!?" She comments as we run out into the dark.

We followed are noises until...

"Daniela how did you get up there!?" We looked in horror at a wolf sitting on to of the biggest tree in the forest.

She shrugged. How did she not know!? Maddy looked at me as she went back to a human. Then Daniela did the same. Hold up, what?! How did she...What!?

"How did you?" I was still stunned. She chuckled. The look on Maddy's face clearly said 'what the hell!'

She jumped down and landed in water surroundings the tree. She then held out a purple ring.

I took a step forward to see it better but I stepped on something. It burned.

I flinched backwards to find I stood on silver!!! Oh shit!!

That will tack a while to heel! I noticed something golden shinning, it wasn't the sun it was to early, it was in the ground. I began to dig under the silver neckless to find a small golden bracelet.

Maddy began to stare at me with wide eyes.

"Take a photo, it will last longer." I joked. Maddy's jaw was still on the floor. I looked down to find me in my human form. This was my charm.

We began to walk again. "So Daniela, how did you mange to service that jump and even get up there in the first place?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you?" Maddy added. Daniela just taped her noise. How? Was the only thing going throw my head. How!?

(A/N I know I said the bonus chapter would be first but my brother is taking forever doing it. But it will be coming!! Vote, comment and until next time. Bye)

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