If only I could scream

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Harley's head was swimming the next morning. He almost didn't notice the girl sleeping on his chest. He smiled and let his fingers brush through her hair. She shifted slightly before looking up at him. He smirked at her but she jumped up and punched him straight in the nose before climbing on top of him to restrain his movement. He groaned in pain and tried covering his once again bleeding nose, however, she gripped his hands with one of hers and tried punching again with the other.

"Ellie it's me!" he yelled and she paused. Her eyes scanned the room and widened once she realized what happened last night and why Harley was in bed with her.

"Shit," she said, releasing his hands.

"Why'd you hit me?!" 

"Sorry. I panicked," she said and quickly moved off of him. 

"Why am I shirtless?" he questioned as he sat up and moved closer to her.

"You were an idiot."

"And how did I get here?"

"I brought you here."

"So...I was drunk and shirtless and you still laid in bed with me?"

"Like you weren't planning it to be like that anyway."

"I wasn't-"

"There's only one bed in this room. You knew that."

"I didn't mean to get drunk."

"But you did. And you fell, got a nosebleed, ruined your shirt, wasted so much of my time, made me get in bed with you, and passed out with your arms around my waist."

"It's really Wicc's fault."

"Actually it's yours. I told you not to do it and you still did."

"Why didn't you just leave me then?"

"Because if Pepper or Happy found you we'd all be dead," she whispered, lightly punching his shoulder.

"Was I a comfortable pillow?"



"Of course." 

"Wanna go get something to eat?"

"Did you seriously just ask that?" she said with a smile and jumped up. She ran downstairs after reminding Harley to put on a shirt. In the kitchen, she found Cassie eating the pancakes Lila was still trying to make. Shaking her head, she grabbed some milk and cereal and sat beside Cassie.

"Morning Ellie!" Lila said and Cassie just smiled, her mouth evidently full.

"Morning to you too."

"Hey, Ellie! Me and Cassie were going to go out tonight so we thought you might want to tag along," Lila said once she joined the two.

"Uhh...sure. Why not. I'll have to ask Bucky though."

"Yikes," Lila whispered.

"What?" Ellie asked, slightly annoyed.

"Is he really as bad as they say?" Cassie asked after sharing a look with Lila.

"Bucky?! No! He's great. A bit overprotective...but great. He's been through some shit but he's getting better. He's trying to be himself again yet people are always going to see him as a cold-blooded assassin and no one can change that." She glared between the two.

"Sorry," Cassie said.

"Don't worry about it." Ellie rolled her eyes before shoving a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

YOUNG AVENGERS ~ Harley KeenerWhere stories live. Discover now