e i g h t e e n

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After I finished getting ready for the morning I decided to take a walk; clear my thoughts.

I walked through the door and jumped off of the small porch onto the ground, my thick black shoes crunching the leaves as I did so.

I walked down past the tents and into the small flat that Rose, Lucy, and Ashton shared.

I felt like I never talked to them so I wanted to get closer; maybe even become friends.

I knocked on the door softly and It soon opened, I smiled at the sight in front of me.

It was a sleepy looking Ashton, his hair was messy, and his lips curved into a lazy smile.

"Come in." He spoke moving away from the doorway so I could walk through.

I smiled and walked in noticing that Lucy and Rose were no where in sight.

Ashton must have noticed me looking for them.

"They uh, they went out for practice."

"Oh it's okay."

"But if you'd like we could chit chat, I mean we barely talk." He laughed

"That would be nice." i agreed before taking a seat on the floor, Ashton across from me.

"So you and Calum are like best friends now?" He asked

"I wouldn't say 'best friends' but he's alright."

"Yea sometimes he can be a pain in the arse." Ashton laughed

"You are right, dudes got some problems." I spoke

Ashton nodded in agreement before his attention turned towards the wall.

"Would you like some water?" he smiled


Ashton returned a few minutes later, water in hand.

"Here you go." He said reaching me the cup.

"Thank you." I said taking a sip

Soon after I drank the water I started to feel dizzy.

"You okay?" Ashton asked

"Y-yea why would-wouldn't I be?" I said slowly as my words became slurred.

"Stupid, stupid Faye. Didn't your mom tell you to never accept water from a stranger?" Ashton laughed.

My head began to spin as I took in his words my heart now racing by the minute.

"For all you know it could be; poisoned." He shrugged innocently.

I began to go out, everything spinning, as black suddenly washed over the room my sight dim to everything.

Soon it went out all the way my eyes falling together as my head hit the hard floor.


Every one began to panic, Faye had been missing.

Thoughts ran through my head.

What if she had ran back to her house, she would tell her parents and her parents would pass the news on to the police.

And I would have to stay in a cell for as long as my heart continued to beat.

"Ashton, have you seen Faye?" I asked looking at Ashton

"No why?"

"Well she's been missing all day."

Ashton began to laugh.

"You. are. so. stupid." He said pausing after each word

"What makes me stupid?"

"You trusted her."

I sighed and ran over to Lucy asking her if she had seen Faye, she also replied with a no.

I checked all the tents, her small flat, and everywhere I could, there was only on more place to look; Ashton's flat.

I ran into the small house and looked around she was no where.

Then I opened up the closet and gasped at what I seen.

Faye; lying on the ground a sock in her mouth and a shirt keeping her hands tied together.

Her eyes went wide when she seen me.

"I'm gonna get you out of here babe, don't worry." I gave her a smile reassuring her that everything would be okay.

I untied the shirt around her hands from the huge knot, then I removed the sock from her mouth.

"Thank you Calum, I t-thought I was never going to get out of there."

"I know I'm here now."

She hugged me then kissed my jaw.

"Who done this to you?"

"I shouldn't say, it's ok." She nodded

"No tell me."


I walked through the door of the house and over to Ashton.

"Did you find-" he was cut off as I aimed my gun at his chest

Every one gasped their eyes wide.

Michael, Luke, Lucy, Rose, and even Faye screamed stop.

But I pulled the trigger, then the bullet came in contact with his heart.


Circus → c.hDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora