not without you.

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a sonnet written for my english class :) might write more but iambic pentameter is hard to get


you were conceived during the first world war

brown haired, green eyed, and dark like a bold rose

a bright golden daisy that could not mar

was a fragile, pale, small boy that you chose

to grow with you and quell your suffering

the two of you shared your souls, thoughts, and dreams

to each other, you guys were everything

and it felt like you were ripped at the seams

when the second world war tore you apart

they crushed your petals until there was no red

you craved the end though it was just the start

maybe this was hell, you were really dead

but the heavens opened and what you saw

was your daisy, bright and bold, strong and raw

yours, bucky.Where stories live. Discover now