Chapter 3- The Note

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The Note


Rae's POV

I wake up to the sun shining through the curtains and smile briefly. Then it hits me. 

The events of yesterday fall onto me like an avalanche. I immediately sit up straight and take a better look at my surroundings.

"Ahh good you're awake. I brought you some breakfast." My mate tells me as he sets a tray out in front of me. There was a large plate filled with bacon, mushroom, egg, french toast, a full English breakfast. There was even a glass of water, orange juice and a cup of tea. I stared at it in surprise, I didn't think he would care enough to make we all this food. I suddenly notice him standing next to me looking down at me with a sad expression "Is it too much? Because I just didn't know what you would like so I kind of just made lots of different things. Is that OK?" Kassius rushes, sounding nervous. I sigh in defeat, I could never stay angry at my mate, even if he has threatened my pack and kidnapped me. "No, no, it's perfect. Wold you like to share?" He looks shocked by my reply but grabs a piece of toast off the tray and sits next to me.

Naturally I lean my head towards his shoulder and he puts his arm around me. "I'm still angry at you" I tell him. "I'm still angry at you too. You were murdering members of my pack." I turn to face him, pure confusion on my face. "That's what your pack was doing to my pack!"

Kassius' POV

"Wait, what?" We stare at each other confusion evident on our features. "If it wasn't your pack or my pack. Who was it?" I think out loud.

"Alpha!" Someone storms in, "there's been another attack, It is on the east side." That's the side of the Prime Blood territory. "They are still in control of Rae's pack right?" He nods. "Then who is attacking us!" I get up and grab Rae's hand, running to the east border.

We arrive to chaos. Straight away I start to bark orders and wrap my arm firmly around Rae's waist. Directly in front of us there is a body of one of the children stabbed to a tree with a note.

Hello Alpha,

Figured out it's not that mate of yours yet? Well maybe you're a bit slow.

I wish you and darling Rae all the worst. 

This will NOT be the end of these attacks and I suggest you figure out who I am soon. Ask Rae she knows me well.

Au revoir

"Spread the word: no children should be left unattended at ANY TIME for ANY REASON." I address the pack members that are within hearing range. "Rae, do you know who it could be?"  I may as well ask her since the note mentioned her. "I have no clue. But they must be someone close because they know we are mates which only our packs know..".

"Either way we need to get to the bottom of this before someone gets hurt. I suggest we work together on this with both of our packs. Can you call your Beta to come tomorrow to have a meeting about this?"

"Yes lets do that but first can you show me around? It looks like I will be staying for a while." After the bad events of  the childs death and happy to be able to relax with my gorgeous mate.


Another chapter and it only took two days. 

Don't get to happy about their natural instincts, things are going to change in the next few chapters.

As the book gets more interesting chapter sizes will increase.

EDITED but again let me know if there are any mistakes or just general feedback is good.

One or two new characters next chapter.

Picture to the side of Kassius (Theo James) to the side.

S xxx

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