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"thank you for this jeno"

smiling as he held the moomin stuff, renjun turned around and was ready to walk away from jeno when the latter held his arm, stopping him from walking.

turning his head at jeno, renjun lightly removed his arm from jeno's hand. "do you still have something to say?"

looking down on his hand, jeno sighed before raising his head to renjun. "i know i'm still courting you for a week." jeno stood up straight, "but can i ask you a question?"

renjun faced jeno fully as he put down the stuff he was holding. "what is it?"

"do i have a chance?"

it was just a week since jeno started courting renjun. but he tried doing everything jaemin told him to court renjun, he bought him lunch and ate with him, jaemin and donghyuck. he did everything, he only wanted the perfect things for renjun. the boy deserved every little thing in the world and jeno would gladly give it all to renjun. but he just wanted an assurance.

"what do you mean?"

"i don't know if you don't like me or you're just like this to your suitors or what, but you haven't really talked properly to me ever since i started courting you. well except for those thank yous you threw at me. don't think that i am asking for too much 'cause i am all fine with it, i'm just curious why."

sighing, renjun looked at jeno straight to his eyes. well, let's end this play shall we, "not to be rude or what and to tell you all honestly, i don't see me being with you in the near future. you don't have a chance. and it's bad for me of still accepting your gifts like this," lifting up the moomin stuff he was holding. "i'm just accepting those so your efforts won't get to any waste. so the money that you spend on buying those stuffs won't just enter the trash bin. i think we need to know each other more, jeno. i'm sorry but i think you need to stop courting me. i am so sorry."

jeno didn't move any muscle, even a flinch. he didn't expect what he just heard. well jeno was kind of wishing that he has a chance. he felt a bit, just a bit, chance everytime he messages the boy. he felt that the boy was enjoying his time with him when they talk thru message.

jeno's feelings now was like a stack of jenga that was pushed and collapsed, and it wasn't accidentally at all.

"but we can still be friends though. i wanna know more about the new friend of my best friend jaemin." letting out a small smile, renjun hand over the moomin stuff back to jeno. "and i think you should keep this with you. don't throw that okay? i'm trying my best here not to get that, i love moomin you know."

and that was the only time when jeno got his sense back. "then bring this with you. i bought this for you so you should have it." handing back the moomin stuff but renjun shook his head with his hands.

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