And so it begins.

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Closing the door behind you, your orbs turned to rest on his figure; noticing him sat on the end of your bed. "FUCK. YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE A TROLL FEEL WELCOME. COME HERE." Following his command you slowly moved towards him until there was no longer any distance between your bodies. In all truth Karkat was a few inches taller than you so it felt pretty good to be taller than him for once even if he was sitting down and you were standing. His gray fingers coiled around the wrists of your respective hands as he drew you closer to him, your lips gently grazing his own for a few seconds. "Karkitty.." A slight smirk pulled at his lips when you called him that and he tugged you towards him without warning which caused you to fall on him rather awkwardly, praying to Gog you hadn't hurt him during your descent to the bed. "_______. LET ME SIT UP." Biting your bottom lip, you felt his hands slide under the t-shirt you had recently put on and connect with your pale, pink, human flesh. The coldness of his skin against your own drew a small moan from your lips; startling both you and him as you were now sat on his legs, practically straddling him. His red orbs were gazing calmly into your own and you didn't even notice the softness of his lips upon yours, but when you did, your brain wasn't able to register much going on around you. He broke away from you and continued to move his hands upwards; abruptly stopping when his fingertips struck the silk bow attached to the center of your blue bra, the blue bow resting just below your breasts. Continuing to stare into his beautiful irises while his hands moved back down your stomach to allow his index fingers to curl under the hem of your t-shirt, your arms lifting to make it easier for him to take it off you. After doing so you noticed the bite of the cool air upon your hot skin and slipped your arms around his waist, cuddling into him for some warmth. The blush on his cheeks grew brighter and you couldn't help but giggle and nuzzle your nose into the crook of his neck. "S-SHUT UP.." he stuttered rather cutely, his breath catching in his throat as your hands were now moving his black sweater up and away from his body. You didn't realise how nice his body was, but then again, this was the first time you had actually seen underneath his sweater. You ran your hands over his chest and giggled once more as he sucked his lower lip into his mouth and began chewing on it with his incisors. "SHIT, _______. YOU'RE MAKING ME FEEL WEIRD." In response to his whimper that followed his words, you moved away from him and unbuttoned your shorts, your thumb and index finger grasping your zip and pushing it downwards. Karkat's thumbs were within your waistband as he pushed against your shorts; willing gravity to help him with his task. Your shorts slid down your legs and hit the floor as you stepped out of them and smiled slightly, climbing back onto him to straddle him again. "Karkat.. A-ahh.." You muttered, feeling his soft lips on your collarbone and trailing down towards your breasts. It almost isn't fair that he's going so slow and your hands began moving on their own, finding the button of his jeans, popping the button through the slot and pulling his zip all the way down. Once his pants were off and his lips were locked with yours again, you began to feel something wriggling beneath you.


Well, so far so good.. Published two parts within twenty minutes of joining. I'm trying my hardest to get this all done, but I'm a school kid and I'm actually supposed to be doing homework right now. x: - Cae.~

Karkat x Human Reader. {Homestuck Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now