Oh, Gog..

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W-what the.. Oh.. That's right. He's a troll which means he has a tentabulge. I've never seen one before.. I wonder what it looks like and this wriggling feels so weird! Here you two were; yourself in your blue bra and blue panties while Karkat was in nothing but a red pair of boxers. This could get very interesting for the both of you. His hands found your hips and stayed there for a few moments while his tongue ran over your bottom lip. Does he want me to open my mouth? No.. I've never kissed like this before.. Pushing your fears away to the back of your mind you part your lips slightly and his hot, wet tongue slips past your lips and brushes against your own tongue. Karkat's tongue explores all of your mouth, taking in the feel and the taste of your saliva tangling with his own. Sweet moans escape you at the passionate way in which his tongue moves around inside your mouth. You had been so occupied with the long kiss that you hadn't noticed his hands sliding up your back and the clasp of your bra being undone and practically ripped away from your body in an impatient manner. You break away from him and your cheeks are a light rosy shade what with his actions causing you to be flustered and your arms start to slowly move to cover your breasts, but before you can complete the process, Karkat moved into a standing position with you still on his lap. Luckily enough, your legs were already around his waist so there was no chance of you falling or anything while he quickly span around to face the bed and dropped you onto the covers. It was such a glorious sight; Karkat Vantas standing above you with messy black curls and a dignified smirk pulling at the corners of his lips while the majority of his perfect body was on display for your eyes only. His red hues took in your body and the fact you still had on your panties which would need to be removed in order for him to do what he had wanted since the moment he had met you. Karkat swiftly dropped to his knees which left a million thoughts running through your brain; the main one being, What in the actual fuck is he gonna do that requires him being down there? Truth be told, you didn't want to know, but you were still going to find out what he had planned. His body moved closer to your own and you could feel his hands on your knees, forcing them apart and drawing a small squeak from your quivering lips. Am I scared or something? Calm down, damn it! This stuff is easy and I love him, so I'm gonna do it no matter what.. Karkat noticed how reluctant you were to move your body and he had to raise his body so his torso was leaning over the bed and preventing you from pushing your legs together. Before you could complain about his current whereabouts, he lowered his head and his teeth found the hem of your panties, quickly clamping down on the lacy fabric and pulling on them until they were clear of your body and on the floor. In a fit of pure embarrassment you slapped yours hands over your eyes so you wouldn't be able to see his expression when he realised just how different your body was to that of a female troll.


I guess you can say I wanted to leave the readers wanting more.. Which is what they're gonna get. Anyways, if you haven't listened to the song, I recommend you do so. It's one of my favourite songs and it goes well with this piece, right? Right. Hope you like it so far, ladies. - Cae.~

Karkat x Human Reader. {Homestuck Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now