Chapter 1

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A/N: Follows after the events of Control. Rowena's little comment about her having more than just natural magic went a little off the rails in my mind, but here we are.

As a child,

in every book she ever reads,

the dragon witch's daughter chooses

the side of the dragon,

the witch, the evil sorcerer,

because from an early age she knows

that just because other people

may say someone is bad,

it does not mean there is not

some good in them too. -Nikita Gill

"Let me get this straight," the man with black hair on the other side of the plexiglass begins, "you're just a bartender from Kansas?"

The man is wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt with dark jeans and he crosses his arms as he stares at Lexi with uncertainty.

"Yea," she replies coldly.

"Because, I know my hand to hand combat, and the way you took down my friend," he continues, "says you're not just a bartender."

The girl in the cell looks at him with annoyance, "You just told me you're Iron Man, and the friggin' Avengers are real, which one of us has the least believable story here?"

"Yea, but I have the suit," he responds smugly.

"Could be cosplay," she replies, "I'm supposed to believe someone out there takes your life events and turns them into comics and movies?"

As soon as the words come out of her mouth, she immediately thinks of the Supernatural series Charlie had made her read. Technically, it could happen, and if it was popular enough be turned into shows and movies...all of this was suddenly making her head hurt.

"Okay," Lexi sighs heavily, "let's pretend you are Tony Stark. Why did you kidnap me?"

The look on his face drops as he pulls a device from his pocket and projects a video onto the side of the plexiglass for Lexi to see, "Because of this."

The video was taken a week ago and in it Lexi is seen using her powers against what appear to be a defenseless mother and a boy, who looks no older than thirteen. The video only shows the mother and child from the back, but the rage is evident in Lexi's face.

The girl drops her head and closes her eyes, her voice barely above a whisper, "It's not what it looks like."

"Tell me what is then," he says, and she detects a touch of sincerity there.

She cuts her eyes up to look at him, her anger evident, "Doesn't matter, you won't believe me."

Tony watches her as she drops her gaze away again and he stashes his phone back in his pocket before he turns and walks away from the cell. He walks up the stairs and into a small office where a woman with short red hair sits on the edge of a desk and a taller man with long blond hair stands, having watched his interaction with Lexi from the monitor in front of them.

"What do you think?" the blonde questions him.

"I think there's something she's not telling us," Tony remarks.

"Maybe next time," the red head begins, "try talking first, instead of attacking."

"Really Romanoff?" Tony looks at her in exasperation, "Going soft, are we?"

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