Chapter 3

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"Did that really just happen?" Sam questions, once they're back in the Impala and speeding away from the facility.

"Yep," Lexi replies from the backseat.

"I thought that was all comic books and movies," Dean says as he whips the car onto the main road.

"I suppose it's like if the Supernatural books had been turned into blockbuster films," she responds, "You're still you, but there's also a film version."

They both begin to nod their understanding and Sam looks back at her, "Wait! You've read them too?"

"Of course," she says grinning, "Charlie bought me a set for Christmas."

The two men roll their eyes before Dean looks at Lexi through the rearview mirror.

"Tracking chip in the pendant," he begins, "that was really smart."

She smirks, "People always take the cell phone first, I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a back-up plan in place. Technically, it's like I'm microchipped."

"You told her," he looks over at his younger brother in annoyance.

"Of course, I did," Sam replies with a smirk.

A few weeks later...

Lexi's phone rings as she pulls the pizza out of her oven. She quickly turns the oven off and answer the video chat from an Unknown caller. Tony Stark's face appears on her phone screen. Lexi immediately looks annoyed.

"Hi," he says with an apologetic smile, "I think we got off on the wrong foot."

"We did?" she begins in annoyance, "I'm sorry, did I kidnap you and throw you in a cell for a crime you didn't commit?"

Tony purses his lips, "In my defense, you know what it looked like from my end."

"And that justified grabbing me after I got off work that day?" she retorts.

The black-haired man looks down a little in shame, "Not my finest moment. Look, Thor told me what he and Loki saw. What you actually do...and I owe you an apology...and a thank you."

There's a moment of silence as Lexi considers his words.

"I accept your apology," she replies, "and you're welcome."

"I have a feeling there might be more out there that neither one of us are aware of," Tony says forebodingly, "If it came to it, I'd like to know I'd have you on my side of the fight."

Lexi tilts her head curiously as she thinks about it and Tony grins knowingly.

"Ok, bribery it is," Tony says, "Go to your door."

Lexi narrows her eyes at the man, but she does as she's told out of curiosity and opens her door to find the God of Mischief standing there.

"Surprise," he grins as he walks into the house and Lexi looks at Stark in her phone in confusion.


"It's been brought to my attention that there's several tricks you haven't learned," Tony states, "I'll give you free reign to learn from Reindeer Games himself, as long as I can count on you if I need to."

Lexi glances from Loki back to her phone, "So, will that make me like an honorary Avenger?"

"Something like that," Tony replies with a grin.

"I thought you were a prisoner?" Lexi questions Loki, who's standing beside her.

"Oh," Tony interrupts matter-of-factly, "he still is. He's not really there, just an illusion, go ahead, touch him."

Loki smiles as he holds out his hand for Lexi to lay hers on top of, but her hand goes straight through his and her eyes widen, "Okay then."

"Do we have a deal?" Stark questions her.

Lexi thinks for a moment, the dagger trick, the illusions, it would definitely come in handy, "Yea, it's a deal. I'll be on your third-string line-up."

"Good," he replies, then adds with more compassion than before, "and I really am sorry for what happened. I hope I can make it up to you."

She nods her understanding in the phone before Stark ends the call and she lays her cell on the bar. She turns back to the life-like illusion in her kitchen.

"Well," Loki begins, "where do we start?"

Lexi points to her oven, "I'm going to start with that pizza over there, I'd offer you some, but..."

She shrugs her shoulders and smirks before she turns and walks away to finish making her lunch.

Loki furrows his brow and mutters to himself, "Well this should be fun."

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