What if Star never destroyed the magic?

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Chapter 1: Refusal

Star wiped a tear from her eyes.
"So...I've got to destroy the magic," she sighed. "I guess this means Toffee was right." She turned to face her mum's tapestry in time to see Toffee mysteriously say,"Surprise".

Star gasped in horror.
"Ok Glossaryk, that is creepy. How can he do that?" sniffed Star, turning back around.
"The same way the queens come out," shrugged Glossaryk.
"So... his ghost can... escape?" asked Star.
"No. Only the queens can do that. He can just move around from the tapestry," explained Glossaryk.

Star wandered over to Celena the Shy.
"I don't want to destroy the magic though. That was just a temper-tantrum," sighed Star, as she wandered to Festivia's tapestry.

"Star, the tapestry is complete. You can't rewrite history," said Glossaryk seriously.
"I'm about to become the first queen who did then," said Star, wiping the tears away and speaking determinedly.

"Take me back to the tavern at the end of the multiverse," hissed Star.
"Are you sure you know what your doing? The tapestry never lies!" warned Glossaryk.
"I'm completely sure," hissed Star.

Chapter 2: Anxiety

An eye popped out of nowhere and Star came out of it.
"Star!" cried Marco as he ran to her and held her hands. "Did you find anything?"

"Nothing useful no," sighed Star.
"I guess we could always go back together and fight Mina. Three queens," suggested Moon, smiling weakly.

"I don't even want to talk to you. Anyone else got a better idea that doesn't come out of a TRAITOR's mouth? Please? Anyone!" snapped Star.

Marco let go of her hands and sighed.
"Star calm down," he whispered.
"No Marco! I am overwhelmed! If anyone else has a better idea then please do share with the rest of us. We need a way to get rid of my fate! My fate is wrong! Please!" begged Star.

Marco took her hand and led her to somewhere more quiet.
"Star. Your mum messed up. Parents do! You shouldn't blame her! We've all messed up, believe me, my parents have messed up countless times. Just give her a chance," sighed Marco.

"Marco, I'm overwhelmed again. I'm scared that something will happen to you, my dad, Eclipsa, me or Meteora. Maybe there is even a little part of me that is scared for what my mum is going to do or what might happen to her,"she whimpered. Eventually, she gave in and collapsed onto Marco's shoulder.
"Your experiencing what we call on Earth 'anxiety'. It's nothing to be ashamed of as we, I mean, I can help you,"stated Marco, chuckling as he placed an arm around Star and embraced her.

"My mum is overwhelming me with what she's done and so is my tapestry for what it wants me to do! I can't do it! It's too much! Everyone will think badly of me! It was bad enough on my song day when everyone found out that I lost the book of spells and Glossaryk! It was bad enough when everyone found out that half my wand was Ludo's! Basically, my tapestry says that I have to destroy magic. But in doing that," she started. She stood up properly and linked hands with him. They gazed into each other's eyes for a while until Star finished. "In doing that, I lose you. And I just found you! I can't leave you! So, I'm ignoring my fate. If it means that me and you can continue seeing each other, I'd ignore it a million times if I had to!"

"Star!" he gasped. "Look, I know we've just become a thing but, if your tapestry says you have to destroy magic then you do. With or without me," he sighed.

Star's eyes welled up and they kissed.
"I wouldn't risk losing you for the world," she whispered and put a hand on Marco's cheek. "And you can't change my mind."

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