Chapter 6: Risk and Reward

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A heavy textbook slams down onto the surface of a teacher's desk, catching the attention of every student awaiting Coach Finstock's lecture. The sound of the textbook especially startled Aaneseh, who slightly jolted in the seat of her desk; she was much more alert ever since hearing of the Alpha pack.

Coach Finstock turned towards his class, eyeing them with a scornful attitude. "The stock market is based on two principles," He stated, crossing his arms while facing the class. "What are they?"

Scott's arm shot up into the air, surprisingly being the only one to do so.

"Yes, McCall, you can go to the bathroom," Finstock disregarded Scott. "Anybody else?"

"Uh, no, coach, I know the answer," The young beta spoke aloud, slowly putting his arm back down in disappointment.

Hearing this, Coach Finstock abrupts into hysterical laughter; Aaneseh couldn't help but smile in silence as she observed Coach's reaction. However, Finstock stops his short fit after seeing Scott's scorned face.

"Oh, you're serious."

"Yes," Scott nodded in confirmation. "Risk and reward," He confidently answered.

"Wow!" Finstock exclaims in surprised joy. "Who are you? And what have you done to McCall?" He playfully pointed at Scott. "Don't answer that. I like you better. I like you better," He walked to the middle front of the class. "Does anybody have a quarter?"

"Yep," Stiles immediately answered, fumbling into his pocket for one. Coach and the rest of the students awaited for the quarter to be pulled out, but something other than that fell to the ground from Stiles' pocket.

A condom. An XXL condom. A moment of silence falls on the class as well as a horrified expression on Stiles' face. Aan covered her mouth out of second-hand embarrassment, with her cheeks and ears red.

"Stilinski, I think you, uh..." Coach Finstock slowly stalks up to the condom, and picks it up off the floor. "You dropped this. And congratulations," He places the condom on Stiles' desk, whom was still in shock, and takes the quarter. Chuckles could be heard from every corner of the class, including from Aaneseh, but she bit her wrist in an attempt to stop.

"Risk and reward," Coach continued, now forgetting the small incident. He picks up a 'COACH RULES' mug off of his desk, and places it on the floor in front of the class. "Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward," He stepped back a few paces, getting into a slightly-bent position. "Okay, watch coach," He confidently stated, bouncing the coin off of the floor, with it landing right into the mug. "That's how you do it," Coach grinned, basking into the small applause he received from his students.

"Okay," Coach retrieved the coin from the mug, and placed it onto Danny's desk. "Danny. Risk, reward."

"What's the reward?" Danny asked, looking up to Coach.

"You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow."

"Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it," Danny shot down the idea.

"Danny, you know, I really expect more from you at this point," Finstock shook his head in disappointment. "Really," He stated once again, before walking off to Scott's desk, and slamming down the coin. "McCall. Risk, reward. The risk: If you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop---" Coach Finstock stammered. "The quiz. And... and you have to write an essay. Risk: more work. Reward: No work at all. Or choose not to play," Coach finished, looking to Scott for an answer.

"But isn't this just chance?" Scott skeptically questioned, picking up the quarter, and examining it.

"No. You know your abilities, your coordination, your focus, past experiences," Finstock explained. "All factors affecting the outcome. So what's it gonna be, McCall? More work, no work, or choose not to play?"

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