Chapter 15: Psychics & Spirits

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Glancing into my aunt Melissa's room the next morning, I stood against the doorway with a bowl of cereal in my hand. She sat up in her bed, awake, looking off to the side of me as I learned over, looking. It was Scott, passed out on the armchair, and Isaac, snoring against Melissa's dresser in her room.

I glanced at my aunt with an incredulous expression, and she returned the same.

"Really, Boys?" She called out to their sleeping figures, hoping to awake them. She tried again. "Boys!" She shouted, Scott and Isaac jumping up to their feet in less than a few seconds. They scanned the room for danger, before landing their eyes on Melissa.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

"We were watching over you," Issac shared a look with Scott, who elaborated once receiving a doubtful look from his mother.

"We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice."

"But both of you were asleep," She dead panned, gesturing to the blanket Isaac used while he slept on the floor.

Scott turned to Isaac with an accusing look. "You were on watch last."

"What are you talking about?" Isaac shook his head. "You were on watch last," He denied.

"No, you were on watch last."

Isaac looked to Melissa with a face of realization. "I might've been on watch last," He sheepishly admitted.

"My heroes," Melissa sarcastically stated, but with a humourous hint to her tone.

I snorted in amusement, not caring if it wasn't deemed attractive. All eyes snapped to me as I held my now empty bowl of cereal. "I'm going to school early with Lydia," I stated, specifically to my aunt.

Then, as if on cue, a car honking was heard from outside. "That's her," I picked up my bag from beside my feet. "See you guys later," I walked out of the doorway's view, down the corridor.

"Put that dish in the sink!" Melissa ordered behind me, from her bed still.

"Yes, ma'am," I happily complied, leading out towards the front door.


"You've got to be kidding me, Lydia," I huffed out, watching my friend take in the figure of Aiden across the hallway, a lustful hint in her eyes.

"What?" She innocently replied, looking back to me at my locker. "I'm not the one fighting him on weekends."

I looked behind me, observing how Aiden looked towards Lydia, with a cocky grin on his face. "Just be careful," I muttered to her, and she smiled at me with an arrogant aura.

"You always know I am," She started to stalk off, before I spoke up again, realizing something.

"Is this why you wanted to come to school early today?" I whispered accusingly, but she simply ignored me, continuing to stalk of towards Aiden with a smile. I gazed at her back in disbelief, huffing out an amused laugh to myself.

Turning back around towards my open locker, I shoved all of my belongings inside, except my cellphone in my pocket. I decided first-period today wasn't an essential class.

Then, feeling a few fingers gently glide against my bottom, I looked around in alarm. It was Cora, and she stuffed some type of paper material in the back pocket of my jeans while she stared at me with a smirk. I just knew it was the two $20 bills.

I smiled instantly, closing my locker. "What are you doing here?"

"Derek told me he didn't want to see Lydia and Aiden together again," She explained, looking towards Coach Finstock's office across the hallway. Tearing my eyes off of the beauty, I looked just in time to see a head-ful of strawberry blonde hair disappear into the room. "So," Cora continued, looking to me. "I'm here to stop that," She finished, starting off towards the office.

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