The Call - Terrible Drivers [angst]

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The buzz of Emily's phone startlingly waking her up. Her vision was still blurred as she rubbed her eyes with one hand, the other reaching for the ringing cell phone.

It was from an unknown number, who had been trying to reach her several times while she was sleep. Whoever this was, they weren't giving up until she answered the call.

"Hello?" Emily sighed, hearing sirens and a panicked voice on the other side of the phone.

"You're Emily, right?" The worried caller as she she confirmed their question. "Yeah... why?"

"A few hours ago, last night to be exact, Launchpad McQuack was returning home after being dismissed from work. As he was driving, a car rammed into the limo and flipped the car over, making it tumble down a hill and crash severely into the ground below. He got out of the crash perfectly fine, and I was a witness to this. After getting out, he fell to the ground and pulled out his phone, saying your name over and over. Me and a few others who saw what happened tried to stop him and get him to a hospital, I was trusted to go with him, and he died a few hours later with major brain damage. The only thing he seemed to care about, was you... he was screaming, saying he needed to see you, but the doctors thought he was delusional. His only request was that someone tell you what happened before the heart monitor stopped beeping. I tried to find your contact, but his phone was busted up, so I couldn't use that. I had found it from a friend of his, and so I'm telling you everything. The only other thing was that I figured out why he had needed to see you so badly. There... there was an engagement ring in his pocket... I'm so.. so sorry..."

Emily couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her face as she held her breath. She felt like she was choking on her words and the world was caving in around her. Why did this have to happen? Why did it specifically have to be her? Why was life so cruel and unfair that it had to take away such a bright, happy light and blow out the flame of the candle she had known as Launchpad.

Soon enough, she couldn't hold it anymore and she burst into a sob. She cried for a long time, and the caller was still on the phone to try and ease her pain. She was shaking uncontrollably, her cries were more like wails, and she couldn't stop the tears from falling.

After her fit, she sniffled and listened to the man on the phone. "I'm still so very sorry Miss Emily, but if there is anything... anything at all, that I can do for you, just call me. If you were wondering, they call me Drake Mallard..."

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