Chapter 5

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Kevin's POV

This guy, I tell you. He is such a bore. I was happily trying to make him spill the juicy details of his 'date' but he has to be a gay diva and give me stupid answers. Huh!

Does he not know that I have an ace in my pocket which I can take out whenever I want to stump him? 

And if you are curious to know who is the ace, I'm not gonna tell y'all. It won't be a secret if I tell.

Currently, we've been distracted by the doorbell and Jaxon has gone to check. I think it must be the little one. I had texted him to come and hang out with us since we were done with most of the research.

But why is Jaxon taking so long? Is there someone else on the door?

To calm my curiosity I decided to investigate myself, but not before giving Jaxon a heads-up.


Yeah, that's my way of informing him that I'm on my way.

I went to the living room and saw Jaxon closing the door.

"Dude, who's at the-oh hey little one", I said when I saw Erin sitting on the sofa. "I just texted you like a min-", I was walking towards Erin to hug him but I guess my brain short circuited by looking at the person sitting next to him. They had snapped their head up and their eyes were as wide as saucers while looking at me that I would have thought that they had seen an alien.

They were so small. Like, even while sitting, they seemed shorter that Erin, who is 5"10'. And their eyes, my God their eyes. They were 2 different colors and so beautiful. Their skin was so white that they looked like a porcelain doll and so fragile. I could see the redness spreading across their face like someone was painting with watercolor and kept increasing the tint of the color.

I think Erin was saying something but my brain was not sending enough signals to my ears. However, it was enough to hear the person's name.


What a beautiful soft name for a beautiful soft person.

I have never been stupefied enough to go mute but there's always a 1st time to everything.

I felt a nudge on my upper arm and that was enough to snap me out of the trance. I felt my cheeks go hot at the embarrassment I felt for outright staring at the person-no, Amari.

"H-Hi. I'm K-Kevin." I stuttered while introducing myself. Why was I stuttering?

I started rubbing my neck in nervousness. I hope I haven't made a fool out of myself.

I also couldn't help but notice that Amari was still looking at me with wide eyes and Erin was constantly rubbing his back.

When I thought that I may have scared Amari, I suddenly heard the most melodic, buttery smooth voice I have ever heard.

"I'm Amari."

I felt my heart stop for second and start beating with a new vigour.

I think I'm in love. 

Amari's POV


Am I in some sort of heaven? Why am I surrounded by such handsome creatures? Can such handsome men even exist on Earth? 

Wait, am I dreaming? If so, please God, don't let me wake up. I wanna stay here for the rest of my life.

I wanna touch this gorgeous specimen in front of me and see if he is real.

But why is he staring at me? Do I have something on my face? Is it because I'm blushing?


I don't look good with all the redness on my face. I already have milky white skin and when I blush, I become extremely red making me look like a freak.

I think I should introduce myself. I know Erin has already told my name but it's bad manners to not tell your name yourself.

"I'm Amari", I said and watched his eyes go slightly wide.

I think that I already have a crush on him.


I have not proofread it enough. If there are any grammatical errors, let me know.


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