Chapter 6

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It was almost the end of the year. I fixed most of my grades but I still had my Italian class that I needed to pass. I was gonna have to take a test in the summer.

Me and Katie were back on speaking terms, it took us awhile to get there. Things weren't the same but at least we were trying. Me and Vanessa started to talk more frequently which was nice.

My group of friends and I were doing great, there was just one thing bothering me about it. I wasn't myself. I don't like the same things they like. I don't listen to the same music they listen to. I'm a different kind of weird than they are. But I wanted to fit in with them soo bad. So I agreed to everything they aggreed to. I said I liked stuff they did. I just wanted to be a part of something special. They made me feel like I was apart if something special.

Ivy was there for me most of the time, she became one of my closest friends.
Sarah would help with everything I needed. Victoria made me laugh with her story times. Patrick always had something interesting to share. Angelina always had smart advice, even tho I was kind of scared of her.

Overall things at school weren't so bad, things at home on the other hand were. I didn't really have time to worry about those things. I had my first dance competition to worry about.

It was with my dance crew, just a few hours away. We needed to be at the bus stop super early and I didn't sleep at all because the day before I was at the opera, with my school and we came home super late, so I slept for only two hours. We weren't the only crew on the bus. There were other groups as well.

There were some little children groups, grandma groups and lastly a boy group with breakdancers. A lot of them were super cute, but only one cought my eye.

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