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*3rd Person P.O.V.*

"Is she okay?" Koumei asked anxiously. He looked at the sleeping mass, being watched over by Kougyoku. She watched her practical sister with great care, knowing that if she didn't care for the woman, then Y/n's life would be attempted again.

And that could not happen. Not when Kougyoku had not gained Y/n as an actual sister. Her best friend couldn't leave this world until she was old and gray. That's what Kougyoku believed, anyway. Koumei and Kouha would probably agree.

"Well, Y/n's eyesight is not out of the dark yet. You need to prepare yourself. She could go blind if we're not careful." The doctor answered. "She can't look at the sunlight until week three. So block all of the windows. Those bandages of hers can't be taken off either for four weeks and if they have to be taken off, make sure she has her eyes closed so that you can change them without damaging the eyes. They need to heal." He instructed the male. Koumei nodded. Thankfully, the room had no windows that needed blocking, so he didn't have to worry about that.

"Thank you for taking care of her." The unofficial Emperor watched the doctor leave, feeling the urge to pace around the room anxiously. His thoughts were whirling. The way Y/n had acted was so unlike her. She seemed scared, then calm, then she accepted that she could've died. He was worried about his beloved Dove, and not just because of her actions. They were supposed to get married and have kids! How could she raise a child, let alone more, if she couldn't even see them?

"Lord Koumei? Is all well?" Kougyoku asked. Koumei didn't respond at once, for he was in too deep. He needed to escape this stuffy room, the one that held his sick beloved. If he could know that Y/n was alright, then he'd be fine. He needed to see her open her eyes. For him.

"I'll be back. Please, watch Y/n for me." Koumei requested. Kougyoku nodded, placing a hand on her arm.

"Of course I will." She watched her elder sibling leave. "Y/n, please be okay. Don't lose your eyesight." The woman begged. No answer came, much to her friend's displeasure.

They expected Y/n to be out for a while. She'd gone through so much in less than a half-hour, it was understandable that she was practically comatose. Kougyoku still remembered what had happened the minute Kouha noticed something was wrong with Y/n.

Mu had managed to catch her, stopping her head from hitting the floor. But her glass had splattered all over the floor, revealing many different colored berries of the same shape to be in there. They were tiny- you couldn't have noticed them unless you wanted to.

And Y/n somehow had. If she hadn't stopped drinking when she did, according to Ja'far, she'd have died in two minutes. Assuming she drank the whole glass. Everyone who knew she was in an uproar at the time. They all figured that it was either accidental because they were aiming for the person to rule the world. Or they figured it was a personal vendetta of some sort.

Kougyoku didn't know what to actually do apart from watching her friend and make sure she was okay. That was all anyone could do right now. If you had asked Kougyoku two years ago if what she would be doing, in this very moment, and how she was living her life, this would not be the answer.

The princess looked down at the sleeping mass, hoping that it was okay. She needed it to survive. She needed Y/n to support her. Nobody else did it. So Y/n had to. Right?

After Koumei had left the room, he'd headed over to his brothers. He was now burning with fury. Someone had hurt his Y/n, his property. They'd pay for such foolishness. With their life. Nobody messed with his tools. They were his, and if someone tried to take them away from him, he'd use the others to get it back. And find out who would do such things. Y/n didn't deserve to be trifled with. By anyone.

When he reached the room, Kouen and all of the other metal vessel users -except Ramatoto he noticed- were waiting for news. Kouha and Hakuei stood, anticipating hearing what condition Y/n was in.

"She'll live," The second eldest Ren told them. They sighed in relief.

"What of her eyesight?" Asked Sinbad.

"Still unknown," Koumei responded. The people around him frowned. "If you aren't immediate family, I want you to leave." He informed the people. They hesitated, wanting to ask just why they had to leave. But Armakkan was the first to stand up, leaving the room.

The others followed him. Sinbad paused at the doorframe. He looked back at Koumei. "Only a person on the inside could have poisoned Y/n, Koumei. I suggest you start looking for a mole,"

"It's lord Koumei," Kouen corrected. "Show him the proper respect- and never entertain the idea of my family having a mole in its ranks again." The lion-like male ordered. Sinbad bowed his head in understanding and left, much to Kouen's pleasure. When his footsteps were out of earshot, Kouen had counted to make sure that he was gone and not listening in, the older brother turned to the younger.

Much to Kouen's surprise, Koumei had begun to bristle in fury. Kouen was astonished. A woman had affected his brother so much that Koumei was angry for once! The change sat well with the elder brother; if Koumei could be angry, then he could make decisions. He wouldn't have to ask his brother what he wanted. He wouldn't call Kouen 'king' anymore.

Koumei's blood was boiling. The mere suggestion that someone had made an attempt on Y/n's life on purpose made him angry more then he thought possible. It made him more angry to think of that than an attempt upon his own. Anyone attacking his family made him angry.

He needed to get out that anger. That feeling that made him violent. That feeling that made his lip curl into one of distaste. That feeling that didn't sit well with him. It was one that he didn't feel often, and he didn't like it. He needed to be rid of it.

"I want every servant and slave interrogated twice. If they tell different stories, then a third. Act oddly? A third. I want every room in the entire country checked- twice. I want my informants here at once. Every servant hired in the past six months will be placed in room arrest." Koumei ordered.

"Koumei, they shouldn't be placed in room arrest." Protested Hakuei. "They'll be more willing to comply if we let them continue doing what they want." She pointed out, ready to flinch if that furious gaze came her way. It never did.

Koumei's fury was directed at who had hurt his fiancee, not his siblings. If he hurt them, he would be no better then the assassin that had aimed to take Y/n's life. And that, he could not allow if he could help it.

"You're right," Koumei conceded. "Let them continue working. But no one except immediate family and household members is allowed into Y/n's room," He ordered.

"You should probably go check on Y/n," Kouha advised. "She could've woken up."

"Mm-mm. She'll be under for a while." Koumei responded. "I've got to go." He informed. The others shared glances of concern as their brother left, hiding the fury that was skin-deep. Calm was sewn into his flesh, and he'd only lost his calm once. But if they didn't find the culprit soon, then Koumei would lose his natural cool once more. Nobody wanted that.

Hope of Worlds (Koumei X Fem!Reader){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now