My Hero Awakening

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So I got this idea when I was playing fire emblem awakening for the hundredth time. This is the prologue for it. Let me know what you guys think. Or at least whoever reads this.

The sky was covered by a thick cloud of dust as building crumbled away. A eerie silence cloaked the environment before a voice broke it.

"Keep running! Don't stop!"

The sounds of footsteps could be heard as five children run throughout the ruins of the once famous U.A highschool. Behind them, a loud deep growl could be heard a dark shadow could be seen chasing them.

"I...I don't think I can run anymore..." The youngest child said as she falls to her knees. Her purple hair with her trademark single blonde lighting bolt hid her face as she looks down.

"Don't give up Miku! Once we meet up with Eri, everything will be ok" said the small girl with pink curly hair. She placed her arm around the child as she helped her up.

"H-Hana" Miku said as she nods as she forces herself to stand.

"Hurry up already. You guys are you damn slow!" A rowdy boy said. His blonde hair and angry scrowl scaring the youngest of the group.

"Yuuto language!" Hana shouted at the boy.

"Tsk whatever. Let's just meet up with Eri" Yuuto said without any care for his actions.

Suddenly the building began to shake as part of floor broke off and was heading towards Yuuto. Yuuto stood there, scared to move from his place.

"Yuuto watch out!" Hana shouted as green electricity coursed through her body. She dashed forward as she grabbed Yuuto. She closed her eyes as she prepares to feel pain but it never came. She slowly opened her eyes as she sees that a table of ice was over her and Yuuto.

"Are you ok?" Asked a boy with white and black hair who had it tied back in a short spiked ponytail.

"Yeah we're fine. Thanks Asahi" Hana said.

That's when they heard another growl echo through the building. The growl from the creature that ruined the world in two years that their parents desperately tried to protect. That was...before monster took them as well.

"Guys we need to hurry" Hana said quietly as everyone nodded .

After quickly dusting off, they continued to run towards the room where they agreed to meet Eri. After navigating the school, they finally arrive at a door. Beside it a broken sign dangled from chains that held it to pole, room 1-A.

They saw the door was blocked by some rubble. Hana walked over and tried to push one. However no matter what she tried she couldn't get it to budge.

"You could try your quirk" Miku said in a soft voice.

"No. If I do that, it may attract the attention of it" Hana explained. "Beside that much force could bring the whole building down on us."

"Well let me take care of this" Yuuto said as he smiled maliciously before receiving a slap on the back of the head from Asahi. "Hey what was that for?!"

"If Hana's quirk could knock down the building, what makes you think literal explosions would do?" Asahi told him as he placed his forehead on his hand.

As the group tried to figure out what to do, a small redhead quietly walked towards the debris. She looked over before pulling back her arm. She swung it as hard as she could as she made contact with it. Dust filled the room as the group of kids began to cough. Once the air cleared up, they turn to see the redhead turn towards them and smiled, her arm undamaged from her actions.

"All done" She said with a wide smile as she open the door.

"I guess we're throwing being discreet out the window..." Hana mumbled. Miku giggled as she walked over to the redhead.

"Thank you Yui. Your quirk is really cool" Miku told her.

"Aww shucks thanks Miku" Yui said as she walked through the door.

The rest followed in as they see a lone adult standing in front of the room. Her white hair went passed her shoulders as she turned to face her visitors. She smiled as a small horn could be seen sticking out of her forehead.

"So you kids finally made it here" Eri said as she smiled. Suddenly a roar could be heard as she looked at the door. "And not a moment too late."

As soon as she said this, a purple portal appears as a older man in a vest walkthrough. His face was covered in a the same purple smoke that formed the portal. He cocked his eyebrow at the sixteen years old and the kids taking a deep breath.

"Is everything ready?" He asked.

"Hey your a villain! What are you doing here!" Shouted Yuuto.

"Hmph just as annoying and loud as your father. I'm here to help you all" He replied in a calm but annoyed voice.

"Children please relax. Mister Kurogiri agreed to help us" Eri said in a tender voice. Soon another roar occured before the building began to shake.

"The building is collapsing. We must hurry!" Kurogiri shouted.

He quickly formed a portal as Eri touched the outer of it. She used her quirk as the portal began to turn from purple to a light blue.

"Hurry children! There's not much time!" Eri rushed the kids as they each enter one by one.

First Miku, followed by Yui and Asahi. Yuuto looked at Eri before stepping through the portal. Hana remained as she gave Eri a hug.

"Come on Eri. We can all-" but she was cut off as the ceiling began to collapse. A large piece of debris fell on Kurogiri, knocking him unconscious. The portal began to shrink as Eri began to shove Hana through.

"Go Hana go! You have to pass through! Eri said worryingly.

"No I can't leave you behind!" Hana shouted with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly another roar could be heard, this time much closer as the two turned their heads to see it. The beast that ravaged the world, the dragon Nomu. While Hana was distracted, Eri pushed her into the portal. The last thing that Hana saw was Eri being swallowed.

The thing about time travel is that you don't know what to expect. And Hana definitely didn't to be excruciatingly painful. It's as if every cell in her body were being torn off her. She held her eyes close in fear that if she opened her eyes, they'll be pulled out of her sockets.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain ended as quickly as it began. Dazed she looked around to see buildings intact and people walking around. She also saw her friends passed out on the ground of what she could only assume was an alley. They've done it...they were back in the past. Though excited, Hana felt herself fall forward. She could feel the asphalt underneath as she began to lose consciousness, only to see a pair of feet run towards her?

"Are you ok?"

She looked up to see a boy with freckles on his face and messy green curly hair. Despite being in the past, she instantly knew who she was looking at. Using the last of her energy, she smiled and managed to whisper one last word.


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