Overlord fanfic

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So I made this a while go when a friend of mine told me to watch overlord. It's a male reader however as a joke (time to die I guess) I'm using my old vampire name from 8th grade, Axel Bloodcrest, as the name for the game character. And in case someone decides to ask, yes I was in a coven and yes it's a cringey and embarrassing memory I tried to forget happened. Like before this is just the prologue so let me know what you guys think. An extra note, italics are in er thoughts since the anime has a lot of that.

"Thousand bone lance!!"

I watch as an huge amount of lances formed around the undead magic castor, Momonga. Each were directed at me as the began to fly towards me.

"Earth dome!!" I shout as the earth formed around me into a hardened dome. The tips of the lance managed to pierce my dome but it managed to withstand the attack. "Shadow clone, water clone, lightning clone..."

Fifteen copies of me formed inside my dome. "Time to counterstrike." My earth dome breaks down as my clones and I dash out...only to find Momonga gone. I look around me till it finally dawn on me. I look up to see him he cast a number of spells.

"Triple maximum magic, Napalm!" He chanted. I jump away as a pillar of fire consume my clones. I made the mistake of looking away from him. I look back at him to see that he already cast his next spells. "Triple maximum magic, Obsidian sword!"and

I watch as three giant swords made of pure obsidian form and target me. I sigh and smirk at him as I land on the ground. The three swords fly towards me. I placed my dagger in my left hand and block the left sword as I grabbed the one on the right with my gauntlet, Bathory's Demise. Unfortunately the one in the middle goes through me as I cough up blood. I watch as my Hp bar drops into the red. The blades disappear as Momonga lands in front of me. I sigh as he watches me with his cold stare. Then he begins to laugh as I laugh along with him.

"Was a 7th tier spell really necessary Momonga?" I asked as he casts heal on me.

"Well that was the fastest way to destroy your clones." He answered me.

"And how did you hear me. I could of sworn I whispered" I told him.

"Unlike you I learned Rabbit's ears" He chuckled.

"Tch whatever this doesn't mean anything.." I grumbled.

"Oh really? Cause to me it does. I believe this makes it 99-100 in favor of me" He bragged.

After all the times we've battled, for the game to end with me having a loss. What a cruel fate this is...no just dumb luck.

He cast gate and we walked through and arrived in the meeting room of our headquarters, the Great Tomb of Nazarick. We each took a seat in our appropriate spots as we looked at each other.

"After ten years, it just down to us two" I sighed. "Things really have changed since then."

"I know. The great guild known as Ains Ooal Gown will now disappear soon" Momonga said. "All the memories we shared in this place."

"I know what you mean..." I say to him as memories played in my mind. "So what are you gonna do for the last 10 minutes we have?"

"Hmm...maybe I'll take one last look at everything" He replied. "What about you Axel?"

"Hmm...as lame as it is, I'm probably gonna to my room and reminisce" I told him as I stood up. "Despite losing to you, it was an honor playing with you Guild master Momonga."

"And it was honor to play with as well Vice commander Bloodcrest" He said with a sarcastic tone. I smirk as I use my ring to teleport in front of my room.

I look around as I enter the room one last time. It was dimly lit since even in real life, I didn't enjoy bright light. I walked over to my chest where I kept items that I had receive as gifts. I open up my menu and saw two item that I had forgotten I even had. I clicked on the first one and it appeared in my hand. It was a small replication of the Staff of Ains Ooal Gown. If I remember correctly, I created this with Momonga as a prototype. This should allow me to make changes to the NPC's but that's about it. Unfortunately it's a one time use only. The second item was a potion I made with HeroHero. It was supposed to be used as a prank on Momonga. It would have turn his skeleton body into a level 1 human for a short time. Sadly we never got a chance to use.

I put the potion back into my chest and held on to the prototype. I opened up the guild menu and scrolled down the NPC names list. There I found the name I was looking for, Shalltear BloodFallen, the NPC I created. I clicked on the option to have her appear into my room. While  I waited, I place my armor and weapons in my chest as I put on my normal attrie. I put on my black hooded cloak over a black tunic and wool pants. Despite the names of the year, this were  made from some of the world's finest material.

As the clock reached 11:55, I hear a knock at the door. I opened it to see Shalltear standing there in her purple outfit.

"Enter" I commanded her.

She walks in and I take a seat on my bed. I activate the item as it glowed faintly. A screen of her traits opened as I read through them. Flat as a board, uses excessive amount of bra pads, able to have a child with on vampire (0.2%), loyal to all players of Ains Ooal gown. I continued to read this till I got to the end. An idea popped into my head as I grinned to myself. I typed two new commands into her list and laughed to myself as I read them. In case of death, random chance of breasts changing size during resurrection process. Madly in love with Axel Bloodcrest.

"Gosh I'm so lame" I thought to myself. "If Momonga saw this, he'd surely make fun of me."

I close the window as the item breaks into pieces. I check the time to see it was 11:58. I commanded Shalltear to sit on my bed. She obeyed and I gulped as I decide what to do next. I lay my head on her lap as I close my eyes. I give her the command to hold my head. I feel her hands on my head as I enjoy the bittersweet peace. "So this is it, this world finally comes to an end. Goodbye Momonga...goodbye Shalltear."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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