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It's bean liek a weak from when greiy sed I could b da main dancir. I am gon b dancin todai az a main dancir. yay Pussie rly help Mai future.

i was aboot to opun my dressen rom bUTT DEN I SEE A BETCH DER.

"ur en mai throne leaf b4 i choke u wit my candy cloths" i sed v mad.

"im da mein dancir. cum at me den yo. greiy sed i am zo leaf bc u smell liek a vaginaw" the foot looken betch sed.

I am rly angrey. yo i didn ride it 4 go nutting. i walk oveir to mah meain dancir cloths n' grebbed it. den da beyotch sterted yellin.

"dats mah cloths"

"get awaey u pube"

"cum bak imma pluck ur eybrows"

Den greiy came in n' sed " u both mein dancirz todai bc yall both side hoez and i dont kno which betch mai mein hoe tho"

Den i was lik "we gun have a dance off 2 see who ur mein ho"

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

yo so liek hav yall been buy my candy clothz bc u need 2 look azz fly as me

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