rucky da side hoe

105 9 8

itz ben a wek. dis thot rucky hes ben pretand tan 2 b me. liek wtf mai mum thenks shis meh. um nu. end shi leaves en ma house.

ppl r liek "ded nut kno u hed a twen sisder." nu I dunt uglis

even hir broder mai bby deddy is flirtin wit hir. end shi go alung wit et. den he point @ meh n sey "dats ur sis?" nO I NUT GTFO TF I LOK LIEK 2 U but he stell deddy.

"Ya" rucky drassed liek meh sey "shi cum frum... um ... "

"ur mums vaginaw gtfo dum betch" I sed bc im a boss ass bitch.

"whet eva im stell prettir then u ur a boob fut" ew rucky sed. oh hack naw im about 2 cut a betch.

"stfu whan u smell liek deck end I dunt lmao gtfo ur ugli i hope dat harri stiles cutz u wit hes juwline" den harri stiles cum out ef nowhere end cut her wit hiS JUW YUSSSSS BAE HES DEDDY #2 (more like daddy number one sit tf down belela).

than he leafs. bae. rucky wes rly hurt. so I het hir wit a bOOTY BLEST. N SHI FLEW 2 DA WULL. LMAO YEET. GTFO VROOM VROOM LMAO KK.

then I walk out the door

I have no time to update a lot bc I'm reading larry smut 24/7

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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