Chapter 1.1

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*My Life - A New Beginning

It has always been a controversy in my school where I have to go to Australia and live there forever. It finally came true! After four years in solitude (for me that is). I was again, shocked by how I am actually going to ride a plane or be in a new environment/planet/country/continent! March 12, 2012 we arrived around 10:30 AM at the Manila International Airport, waiting for my aunts, uncles and cousins to arrive. It was a long wait at the airport. About a 'few' hours of waiting, around12:00 PM we went to our first flight to Darwin. The eight hour long flight was boring. We ended up sleeping and waking up in the morning.

We arrived Darwin really early in the morning so it was freezing cold. Even though it's a Summer. I wasn't used to the four season cycle. I got used to two seasons. Moving on, we sat down and ate for a few minutes and then went in for a domestic flight from Darwin to Sydney. It was then around 10 AM when we arrived at Sydney International Airport. Everything was new to me. People everywhere, they were mixed cultures. Their accents were british accents. I had troubles with it. I cannot understand a word they were saying. It was madness!

We then were picked up by my uncle and another person with a white van. He was awesome though and we know him. We then ended up in my uncle's/aunt's car. It was comfy and I looked out in the windows glancing through the landscape. Trees and fresh air is a huge plus, because let's all be real. Philippines is polluted as fuck. Not even kidding. It's like you see a sand storm in the sky but then again it's just smoke. False Alarm!

We then made it to the house after an hour drive. We arrived at the house and I was thinking, 'Where is the door?' Then I saw my aunt opened a screen door. It got me more thinking, 'Is this their backyard?' I saw the garage but is this their backyard? Because it did not look like a front yard at first. The environment was so clean too! It was bizarre to me. No one was playing outside. No noises being made. No kids running around the streets. Also you MUST wear a seatbelt. It was weird because I am not used to that. No one in the Philippines ever told me to wear a seatbelt. It's not even a law to wear one.

I then came in their house and it was really nice. The entrance was like a mouse's den but inside was cool and slightly spacious. The backyard was okay but they have a dog - German Shepherd. His name is Maxie. He isn't trained so we have issues on talking him into lovely walks.

After that whole meet and greet, we saw my cousin with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was... awesome? Yeah. I didn't meet him as much because he is weird. My cousin then asked if we can have a scroll around the block. So we did and just talked and talked. I didn't quite fit in though. It was awkward.

We had a family reunion and from that family reunion I hated my family. I don't know but the vibe they show each other is so... plastic. Its fake. Maybe some of them mean it but most are just fakes smiles. I think. I then felt left out so I just sat in one corner. I then started watching something that kept me entertained. I didn't know how to talk in English as fluent and I had an American accent so I just didn't talk. For the whole night.

After the party I just straight away, no doubts went to bed. Thinking that maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

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