Chapter 1.2

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*My Life - Life In Primary School

I've have now spent a week in Australia. It's a little bit hard to believe that I am actually in Australia. I felt happy then again sad. I do like the fact that you can literally buy something so easy in this country. The prices are low and the surroundings are neat. Then again, money can't buy you happiness. I was sitting down, not being able to do anything because I don't know what to do. In the whole week, my uncle helped us find me and my brother a school to go to. We cannot waste time on anything and it's March. School just hardly started and it is the third month of the term. Without further a do we went to the closest school in our suburb. Hinchinbrook Public School. Then apparently they said that we were out of coverage so we moved on to Hoxton Park Public School. Though it didn't work out well for some reason so the last school we went to was Green Valley Public School. Now it's really hard to make friends specially with a different background. It was hard to understand British accents. It took me at least three months to get it and just talk normally.

Now, when I first came to the school. It surprised me because in the Philippines your schools are more cramped and its just a building. You have a roof top to go on to but thats about it. Thats your so called Oval, Playground and Basketball Court. I kinda got along with people. I felt like a total outcast and I was really innocent and well... I never swore in my whole entire life. I stepped the classroom as soon as the principal (who loves pink - I swear she is obsessed with the colour) and told me to follow her. She was a lovely lady. Really nice and friendly. I stepped in and saw a multicultural classroom. I knew it was going to be a long day.

As I stepped in a teacher came up to me and told me to introduced myself. I didn't quite understand her... well I did then now I finally said my name. "I am Ryu and I am from the Philippines." Then it went on with people asking questions and just trying to he friendly. I went on a table with some other people. I first met this girl. Her name was Sonia. I was happy and I thought I was going to be her friend but Marina and Gori took over and started talking to me. They were the nicest people on earth. Gori have anger management though. It was... weird?

People then start coming and asking me about everything. I was happy then again shy. I did not know what to do. My nervousness was were so heavy and dense that I felt like I was in kindergarten and my mother just left me with random people. I then noticed that they don't focus on cursive writing. It's all in print. I was trying to write in print and literally forced myself because what if the can't read my running writing? So I changed that for the better. Though now I regret it because I am trying to learn how to write like that again. Somethings like that you don't have to change. That means I didn't change for the better of my handwriting but for the worst.

It was recess.

I think the whole recess goes for thirty minutes. In the Philippines it only goes for about fifteen and you only have one lunch break, but that differs to every other school because we have an afternoon class.

Meaningless to say, I am a loner. Solid loner. Even if I did have Marina and get group with me, I did not feel the kinship that you get when you have true friends. I felt out of place needing less to say. I was really happy or I tried to act happy and it worked! Surprisingly. We then had fun and just talked for the rest of recess. Then we went back to class.

It was then lunch. I promised to hang out with Marina but as soon as I got out of the classroom. Three girls approached me. There names were Ayesha and Chantè. They were shy like me and also dorky. We are the weird people and well we had tonnes of fun in lunch. We just hanged out and talked for as long as we can. It was fun getting to know them and I had a few questions to ask them. The first one was what they thought I was or my personality was. They said I was mean or something (which is true). Then they said that I had this eye contact that made it look like I hated both of them, so they got intimidated and just didn't try to talk to me. It was hilarious.

Up until now it's pretty funny.

Then Ayesha thought I was a vampire because when I came to this country. My skin was pure white. I was like a ghost. Then now I'm those tan monsters from Snog, Marry, Avoid. Moving on, not only that I an so pale, the way I acted towards sunlight was really vampire-like. I didn't like the sun (and never will) and the fact that I have slightly sharp fangs. We then just introduced ourselves and yeah thats the beginning of new solid friendship thing going on. Our group was THE smallest group in all of the school. We only have Ayesha, Chantè and Cindy. Now, Cindy is Asian and she is Chinese (I think...). She is the most humble and most nicest person in the world. I don't know why she wasn't called my angels because Earth is one living hell and she does not deserve to be here. Be free! Jokes.

Fast forwarding, we had fun. I don't remember much in primary because I never liked primary. There are so much drama in that school so I'll just skip to our last few days in school. We had this Crazy Carnival held and we had TONNES of fun. It was just us being us. We never get to have jobs because we never liked to help and there is nothing to help on. We tried to but all the jobs aren't meant for us. So we had fun on the Carnival feeling guilty because we haven't signed up for a job and didn't get a job. Me and Ayesha were having fun in the twister because we just raise our fingers up in the air like we just don't care! Hoot! Hoot! Well reality we tried to raise up our hands. The force was too strong! (References...) Thats all I can say.

Then there is our last day. Also known as our Farewell. It was boring. Lets all be real. That was the most boring farewell in the world. Maybe because I didn't know how to have fun but yeah. I did not enjoy it. This dude got sick because he wanted to go to have a dance with me and I said no because it was awkward and I don't like him. Though that wasn't the real reason. He was just really really nervous. I felt bad that I said no but chicks before dicks (the same as bros before hoes). What can I do?

Then after the awesome-ish farewell. The next day also known as the last day of Primary School, we had out last assembly of the year/primary school. Well for Year 6s (Grade 6). We then had to go through this tunnel that people made and it was fun. Some cried but me and my friends stood strong until one of us fell and we were brought down with her...

Something I would never forget. I know I missed a couple of memories but I can't really remember what happened in Primary so this is all I can say. The huge transition of Primary to High School is a big ass change (big as Nicki Minaj's ass).


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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