Private chat- Cole and Lili

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Lili- I can't sleep 

Cole- I can't either 

Lili- Is Dylan there or did he go out?

Cole- He's out


Cole- Yep

Lili- Its 1 am 

Cole- Thats Dylan for you 

Lili- Thanks for introducing me it meant a lot 

Cole- Well you eventually had to meet him so why not then 😂

Lili- God never thought I would ever meet like half the cast of the suit life of Zack and Cody 

Cole- Well now you date the main person in the show 

Lili- What about Dylan 😂

Cole- He is the 2nd main one 

Lili- 🤣

Cole- Its true 🤣

Lili- When will Dylan be back?

Cole- Probs at like 4am 

Lili- And is Kj a heavy sleeper 

Cole- He's filming.....

Lili- Till...

Cole- 8 am

Lili- Can I come over?

Cole- Already unlocked the door

Lili- In the car ❤️

Cole- See you soon Bub 

Lili- Xx

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