Learn Forgiveness

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Chapter 15

To show Mercy, Clemency or understanding for another soul is a beautiful but arduous task, Why? If another wrong's or hurt's us very deeply it leave's a scar a deep dark festering scar which if not repaired or even ventured into why they left us with it in the first place can lead to a very hateful place!

We do not want 'hate ( A very strong word for which I dislike using)' to fill our heart for if we allow it to take us over will there be room for Love?  Or will it spread to all we interact with in the world? He / She hurt me so this one will too! Where is the room for Love, Peace or Happiness with negative thought's like this?

Small hurt's or mistakes are easier to forgive due to the fact they do not scar us as deeply as the one's which feel as though they are cutting into the foundation of our soul, Let's face it most of us make mistake's but a majority of them are what we deem inconsequential so do not hurt for long, We get over them and move on although we may not forget them for awhile we cope with them, The one's we need to learn to forgive are the one's we deem insurmountable! We may find this unimaginable at the time or soon after the event, Which is normal don't get me wrong it would be a very rare person indeed that could forgive immediately after being scarred deeply. (The like's of Buddha come to mind.)

The reason we should learn to forgive or at least try too is so we can heal ourselves, It may sound strange but we need to forgive ourselves first because anything that may happen to us we tend to take on some of the blame this is a burden we should not carry as it lowers our vibration therefore our happiness suffers, So we forgive ourselves for our part in the situation what next? Turn our grievance into focus on what we can do to recover from or cope with the situation, If possible we could tell the person whom needs forgiving that we forgive them but do not need / want them in our life's, If we do not have the chance or can not conceive the thought of facing them we can write a letter whether we send it or not! We can even write it and burn it sending it to the universe or creator if it helps.

There is no need to rush the process we should  take time to make sure we are doing what is right for us for we are the most important person in our world, But also don't dwell on it! For the longer we allow it to Discolour our heart and soul the harder it will be to remove the darkness it carries from our energy.

What do we expect to get out of forgiving? It wont necessarily erase the pain of it all because there could be reminders of what happened just around the next corner, Just try to remember it was a decision or choice they made not ours, So we try to take the power away from that which happened from being the core of our focus once we do that we can start to recover a little at a time.

In closing we all know what forgive means, But it is not something easily done! By trying to learn to forgive we are raising our vibration cleansing our aura and placing love in our hearts.

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