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Candice's POV

"That's not fair!" I scream as Jose slams his 'pick up 4' card on top of another 'pick up 4' card.
"Now I have to pick up 8, this is so unfair" I shake my head as I do so.
"I was aiming for Jose!" Bretman laughs.
I place a card down as I give him a death stare.
He continues laughing, "You love me"
I giggle, "Yeah I do"

After a few hours of playing Uno, we all decided to finally stop playing and we sit there, in the dining room, doing nothing.
"I'm hungry" Bretman whines.
"Me too" I say as Jose nods.
They look at me.
"NOT IT!" We all say out of sync.
Lucky for me I said it last, note the sarcasm.
"Cand" Jose smirks.
"Jose" I mimic.
"It's your turn to go for a maccas run" Bretman says dragging out a few words.
I make a sound.
"What do you guys want?"

I get out of the apartment and make my way to the nearest McDonald's in the city.
It's currently 3:18am and the streets were silent.
I found a short cut which is an alleyway and go through it.
I then see a body walking towards me.
I thought nothing to it and kept walking.
The person grabs me and turns me around to face another body.
I whimper.
"Hello there lil lady"
I don't say anything, I attempt to wiggle out of the person's grip but to no avail.
"What do you want?" My voice cracks.
"Your voice seems a little too masculine for a pretty face like yours"
"Release me!" I demand.
He punches me hard in the face.
"Are you one of the 'transgender' people" he used air quotes as he says 'transgender'.
"Yeah, and?" I growl.
"Gross" He gags.
"I don't get it..." he tilts his head as he stares into my eyes as  I struggle to get out of his friend's arms.
"Do you have a penis in there or..?" He finishes as he looks at the area where my privates are at.
"Fuck you" I spat blood in his face.
"I tried being nice to you, lady-man, your actually gonna get it" He growls and takes out a gun.
"Sir, she-I mean he's getting pretty strong" the man behind me tries to get me still but this time he was too weak to do so.
The man in front of me aims his gun in between my eyes, "any last words"
"This isn't the end" I hiss and shut my eyes tight.


The man in front of me falls to the ground. The man behind me grabs his own gun and and knocks me out with it.

My eyes slowly flutters open.
Where the hell am I?
My vision's a blur.
But I know I'm in a moving vehicle.
I groan.
"You're awake" a voice states the obvious.
I begin to freak out.
I sit up and look around.
I'm in the back of some fancy ass car with a man in a black suit driving.
"Where the hell are you taking me?"
"I was planning on taking you to a hotel room and leave you there but change of plans. Where do you live?" He looks up at the mirror to look at me.
I hesitate for a minute before telling him my address.
He changes direction.
"What's your name?" He asks.
"Candice. Candice Yang, and you are?"
"John Wick"



Transgender (John Wick)Where stories live. Discover now