Power point for school E.L.A

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aurthor- june yolen 

year the book was made or when it happend - 1988

character - Hannah

Hannah didn't want to hear her family stories about the holocaust till she ran onto Elijah then Badon Bing she said when she saw them it brought her back to her past and she saw a door when she saw the door she went through it an the Nazi was awaiting her Arrivel.

Hannah doesn't want to attend the family Passover dinner. she's Tierd of hearing her realatives stories aboult the holocaust but of course she has to go.

During the Passover Seder as opens the door to sybolically welcome the prophet Elijah, she is sweapt back in time to 1942, to a polish village where everyone calls her Chaya.

Then something terrible happens. Nazi soliders imprisoned the villagers and New what bad and terrible thing lied ahead.

The author "add much to children's understanding of the effects of the holocaust, which reverberate throughout history today and Tomorrow."

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