Chapter 8: Don't... Leave... Me... (Warning sad part of the story)

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(Marinette's Pov)

I head out just as I hear a boom. I hide in an alley and say, "Tikki, Spots On!"

I swing to the Eiffel Tower. I see Chat. "Any idea where the akuma is?" "Nope." Then we both hear yelling.

"I AM THE GODDESS OF GREEN! YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR RUINING THE PLANT LIFE HERE IN PARIS! (Sorry I'm bad at coming up with villain catchphrases.) "Well, that answers it.

(Time skip to sad part)


Chat Noir tries to attack her but gets swallowed by a giant venus flytrap. "NO! CHAT! I try to kick and punch the plant but nothing works. "In 5 minutes Chat Noir will be eaten alive by this plant. If you give up your miraculous I might let him live. But if you don't, you can say goodbye to your partner." I ignore The Goddess Of Green and cry next to the plant. "Chat... Please... Please be ok... I need you here to help me... You'll always mean a lot to me. Some say you're my sidekick but you'll always only be my Kitty, my partner, you're nothing more or less than I am. We're the heroes of Paris, My Chaton, my world, my everything... I never gave you a chance because I love this boy... Adrien Agreste... I now realize that it'll never work... He's never noticed me... You mean the world to me... I'm sorry for what I've said to you, and I regret it... Chat... I love you... If you live I'll always promise to love you no matter who you are under the mask... I'll show you who I am... I don't care about the rule I made... If you go... Who will tell me cat puns, call me nicknames, continue to pine for me no matter what I say or who I am under the mask... If you go... I want you to know that... No one can replace the best and only Chat Noir I know and love..."

I cry harder and harder and my heart hurts. Then I hear, "Cataclysm!" The plant is destroyed and a look up and see Chat Noir. "Kitty!!!" I run up to him and hug him. Then I kiss him on the cheek.


"Yeah, right the Akuma."

After Chat Noir and I defeat the akuma, he says,

"I heard everything you said about me M'lady but I don't think it's the right time to reveal ourselves to each other yet."

"Ok... I'm just glad you're ok."

I kiss his cheek and say,

"Bug out!"

I swing away. I land on my balcony and de-transform. I lie on my bed and go to sleep.

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