Chapter 1

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'I wouldn't say it was terrible, but the plane ride could have been better.'

Sayo Hikawa and the other 24 girls were staying at Kokoro's beach house at her own island. Sure, everyone was surprised that Kokoro had her own island, but at least they all had their own vacation.

"Is Yukina still deep in thought?" Sayo asked herself.

She looked in Yukina's direction, and yes, her eyes were closed, meaning that she was, deep in thought.

She's been like that since the plane ride. Sayo didn't know why, but she decided to leave her alone.

Suddenly, a cheerful voice exploded in the room.

"Ok, everyone! Let's do something fun together!" That voice belong to no one other than Kokoro Tsuramaki.

Everyone else looked at each other and made sounds of agreement.

"Let's play hide and seek!" Kasumi Toyama suggested.

Before anyone could object, Kokoro jumped up in excitement. "Ok! All of you go hide while I count!"

In less than a second, everyone, including Afterglow and Roselia, ran out the room and went to hide.

[Control switch: Misaki]

Misaki, even though she didn't want to play, hid near the front door.

'Heh, she'll never find me here,' she thought.

She stayed quiet, then heard the sound of slow footsteps outside the door. There was a weak knocking on the door, and after a few seconds, the knocking got a little louder.

Misaki wasn't sure what to do, but she quickly decided to quit the game.

Walking to the door, she asked, "Who is it?"

Though their voice was too soft to hear, Misaki could hear them say, "Help... Me..."

Getting worried, she opened the door. What stood in front of her was a girl whose clothes were soaked with blood, losing an arm, and her dark blue hair was covered with twigs and leaves.

"Holy shit... Are you ok?" Misaki asked the girl.

The girl's face went pale, and she fainted. Luckily, Misaki caught her.

She brought her in, closed the door, and carried her to the living room.

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