E.V.O.L 🌸

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Marina P.O.V
I was meeting up with my supposed "boyfriend" this relationship was toxic , he was always wondering where I was or who I was with , he expected I was cheating or something , when we first met our relationship was beautiful, we used to sit by the beach and watch the stars slip away into the icy morning sky , he gave me the strength to release the family jewels but he also provided the inspiration for toxic men in Electra Heart.

I arrived at our apartment at 7:30 the balcony light was on and I could see my boyfriend on it , cigarette in one hand as the smoke drifted softly into the night sky , he didn't look elegant just dumb , sitting up there feeling more superior then me , the moon hung in the sky beaming like a stage light on me as I unlocked the door too my first story apartment, "click" the balcony door had been closed and my boyfriend walked to the door rudely pulling it open ,
"We're have you been marina!"
"I'm sorry I was sorting out music stuff"
"I met this nice girl called Lana Del Rey"
"No Alex were just friends! Calm down!"
He grabbed a pink bar stool , he held it threateningly above his head , I was breathing fast tears slipped down my face
"Your not pretty when you cry you know that right?" He snidley whispered into my ear, he placed the bar stool down and for one fleeting split second I thought he was going to say he was sorry, but no suddenly I felt the hot sting of someone slapping you , I held a hand too my cheek as saw it turn red in the reflection of the coffee table,
"You fucking idiot what did I do too you!"
"Marina you never do anything I tell you! You stay out late! Quit your music career and I'll stay!" He practically screamed at my face ,
"I'm. Not. Quitting. My. Music. Career!" I yelled back, his jaw dropped I rarely ever defied him let alone yelled at him, he punched square in the face, blood trickled down my face dripping onto the floor , mixing with my tears , it wasn't graceful he was right about one thing , I clenched my fists and kicked him with my high heels right in his balls,
"Think you can do that? You were wrong mother fucker!" I said too him as I turned and ran out of the apartment, I slowly trudged to my car , I pulled out some whiles and whipped of the blood , tears began pouring out of my eyes , continuously, the caught in my lashes and then fell in a sparkling pool near my feat , I saw my boyfriend running to my car , I gasped and locked the car and stepped on the gas , hard , my car screeched out of the driveway , I kept driving until I reached an unknown neighbourhood, my head pounded, I felt the adrenaline rush wearing off , what , had , I , Done.

My phone buzzed it was an unknown number:
Unknown ~ hey it's Lana sorry I took a while to message u
M~ Hey lana sorry I had to leave early
L~ that's ok
M~ Hey can I come to your house?
L~ uuhm why?
M~ Can i tell you when I get there?
L~ yeah sure my address is ————-
M~ I'll be there soon thank u l 💓

I was happy she'd allowed me to come to her house , I smiled a small hopeful smile and then burst into tears , I was loading all my problems onto this beautiful human , why oh why? I drove to Lana's apartment, I sat in my car contemplating not going in , eventually I gathered the courage to get up and go to her door , I knocked several times , Lana came to the door and opened it
"Marina what happened!?"
I ran into her arms I felt safe , I broke down the cool air wreathes us , she led me in and made me tea ,
"Mari what's wrong?"
"Lana - I - sniffle - My boyfriend was p-P-punching me because I st-stayed out too long ..."
"You stayed out too long? We're is he? I'll beat him up for you Mari"
"No p-p-please don't l-l-lana , I have a b-b-better plan"
"Ok what do you wanna do babe?"
"I'm go-g-gonna cut the l-l-lease on the house so he'll b-be evicted"
"But where are you gonna stay sugar?"
"I don't know anywhere but near him"
"You can stay here I have an extra bed ?"
"Really?" I looked into her sparkling eyes I felt my heart flutter , too even be in the presence of Lana Del Rey was amazing, "of course Mari! You can borrow some of my clothes till we go shopping"
"Thank u so much lana!" We sat there hugging , it was amazing to be loved , maybe love isn't evil?

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