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In the morning, I awoke to notice the ship flying through space at a horribly fast speed. I noticed Tony and Nebula staring out the window.

"What's going on?" I asked, getting up. I felt dizzy and felt as if I were going to throw up. I sat on the ground, catching my breath.

"Some chick came into the ship and said she could take us home. So we let her. And now we're on our way home.." Tony said. I could barely even smile.

I watched as we approached New York. It looked like a ghost town.. It was scary. I wasn't expecting the results to be this bad.. But then we approached the Avengers Tower. We landed on the front lawn and Nebula opened the back of the ship. It opened into a ramp. She helped Tony off the ship and then came back for me.

She lifted my arm over her shoulder and helped me up. I could hardly talk, so I didnt thank her. I wobbled down the ramp and collapsed onto the ground. The air was different here than on a ship.

I could feel my strength quickly returning to me and I easily stood up. I looked around to see Natasha, Rhodey, Thor and Steve. Where were the others? I was wrapped in a hug from all four and then noticed the woman who brought us back, standing away from the crowd.

I approached her and hugged her. "Thanks.." I said and then backed away. "Who are you?"

"Carol Danvers.. Or.. Captain Marvel."

"Well, thanks Carol." I smiled and then followed the others inside. We stood around a table.

"Before we get serious.. Can I ask.. Where's Liz?" There was no answer. Steve, Thor, Rhodey, and Nat looked down. They had a depressed look on their faces that I did like. "Steve? Nat?"

"Liz didnt survive." Steve replied, slowly looking up at me. I nervously giggled.

"Funny guys.. Very funny.." I said, expecting everyone to give in. Tell me where Liz actually was. Or better yet, Liz sneaking up on me and hugging the hell out of me.

"Kenna. He's.. Not joking.." Nat said, walking over to me. I shook my head and tears streamed down my face. Nat and Steve wrapped me in a hug. It didnt make me feel any better.

"It should have been me.. Not Liz.. It's my fault.." I said, collapsing into a chair.

"It's not your fault.." Natasha said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"It's mine." Steve spoke. "I should have known she wouldnt have listened.."

"What? I.. It's not your fault.. I don't care what happened.. We're sisters.. We're supposed to look after each other. It is my fault.."

"Hate to break up your mourning but, we have to figure this out.." Tony spoke. He looked grumpy.

"What is there to figure out Tony? Thanos won. He killed half the population. That's it." I said.

"Alright well, how do we get them back?" Steve asked, sitting down.

"We.. We don't." Tony said, getting up and walking away.

"Maybe he's right.. Maybe we shouldn't.. Who's to say Thanos can't do it again?" I said, getting up.

"C'mon Kenna. There has to be a way. What about Bruce?" Nat said. I sighed and walked to my room. I only had a room because there were plenty of times I stayed here for missions. I knew Natasha was right. Bruce could help. But all I could think about was Liz.

I grabbed a leather Jacket Liz had given me and slipped it on. On the back it read, "Liz "Phoenix" Bridges" and underneath it read "McKenna "Phantom" Bridges". I
She had got that custom made so that either of us could wear it. It didnt belong to one or the other. It belonged to us both. And then I collapsed onto my bed and started crying into the pillow. I did t care who heard me. I had lost my sister. I had a reason to be crying.

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