Highlander: Yesterdays Gone ~ Part 4 "Not All Lessons Come From Books"

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  • Dedicated to My Husband, my perfect Muse

The next morning, Morgan professed a desire to swim again, though this time she slipped down the back fire escape stairs more cautiously to the swimming pool. Acknowledging that the exercise was beneficial for her, yet reluctant to approach the water, Martin sat on a park bench in the hotel grounds near the fitness suite fire exit, where he had agreed to meet his student prior to beginning her training. He was sipping from a takeaway cup and idly watching the squirrels squabbling over a hidden cache of nuts when he felt the presence of another Immortal burning inside his mind.

“You know, you could subscribe to National Geographic and get the same view without the chill”.

“And I could read the National Enquirer for my regular dose of useless gossip in the comfort of my own lounge, yet I choose to come out and socialise with you.”

“Touche” Farrell sat down beside him. “So what’s new?”

“I know what you’re after William. Out with it!”

Farrell looked at him as though Martin’s words had struck a mortal wound. “I have no idea what you’re talking about”.

“The Hell you don’t! Why do you see every female as a challenge to be conquered? Leave her alone.”

“And why do you see every woman as a poor wench who needs some chap in shining armour and riding a white steed to come rescue them?”

“I can’t help what I am…. And I’ll tell you something else. For a Roundhead, you have a very cavalier attitude!”

“And I cannot help what I am. As for the cavalier comment; coming from you, I’ll treat that as a compliment.”

“You also have a remarkable capacity for changing the subject. You know what I’m talking about, you know who I’m talking about. Keep your distance!”

“You really do care for the young and innocent ones, don’t you?”

Penwarden nodded curtly. “Remember that Farrell. She IS innocent. I have seen the way you looked at her. She has already suffered at the hands of one predator, the last thing she needs is the attentions of another. If you touch one hair on her head, I swear I'll kill you”!

“I wouldn't expect anything less from a teacher... or a friend... or even a student”.

Understanding passed between them.

“Well, you could attempt to kill me at least” Farrell grinned at his old friend

“You’re joking right, this is a new jacket!” This last comment came over Martin’s shoulder as he turned to toss his empty paper cup into the trash.

Half an hour later, Morgan’s Quickening touched both men’s consciousnesses. “I’d better go” Farrell remarked softly as he stood up. “Good luck”. Without waiting for a reply he was gone, walking swiftly down the path in the opposite direction, deeper into the crowds on the street.

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