Highlander: Yesterdays Gone ~ Part 6 "And So it Begins"

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  • Dedicated to My Husband, my Perfect Muse

William’s gift to Morgan grew like a weed as his breed was inclined to do. By the time he was taken to the vets for his final injection in the series of puppy vaccinations, Morgan could barely lift him onto the exam table. Penwarden was forced to help her whilst his own dogs created chaos in a pen in the waiting area. Fenris showed his gratitude at the attention as only a large ungainly canine can. He licked Martin’s face thoroughly, even succeeding in shoving his icy black nose into the Immortal man’s mouth in his exuberance. Morgan sniggered as her mentor drew out a handkerchief and wiped his face with affected dignity.

“Angel Morgan Doyle” he scolded. “That was not in the least bit amusing”.

“Yes it was!” she chuckled. “Hey! Don’t you full name me!”

Fortunately further conflict was averted by Fenris struggling to jump down to floor level now that the vet was finished in his ministrations. Morgan was forced to let go of the huge puppy’s leash in order to prevent injury to herself or the dog.

“Clean bill of health” the vet announced. “You can walk him off your property now if you wish. We’ll see you in a year for his booster shots. Remember if you have any problems...”

“The surgery number is on speed dial” Morgan promised.

About half an hour later saw the two Immortals walking easily towards home. Delighted to be off the lead for the first time, Fenris leapt and bounded, chasing and being chased with Martin’s two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, only a fraction of his size. Gradually the path turned down towards the canal cutting and the gleaming water came into view. Almost like a painting, the visible area was framed by a red brick arched bridge on one side and a lock gate on the other. Their current route would lead them across the bridge and down onto the tow path. However before they had come within ten metres of the bridge, Penwarden stopped dead and whistled the spaniels to him. “I think the other way is quicker” he muttered.

“Is it that late?”

“I… uhm… it’s getting on for time” he replied quickly. “We should take the short route home, back across the fields”.

“I didn’t think it was that much shorter”.

“Trust me, it is”.

“Martin?” Morgan was concerned at this abrupt change in behaviour and it showed, deep in her eyes. “Martin, are you alright? You’ve gone very pale.”

“I’m just fine. Come on, let’s go home” he tried to turn away from the bridge but Morgan caught his sleeve, abruptly stopping him.

“It’s something to do with the canal isn’t it? You just don’t want to go down the towpath. What are you afraid of?”

Martin flexed his jaw wordlessly for several long moments, looked down then swallowed and looked back up at Morgan. “I’m… rather… I’m…. afraid of water” he confessed.

“I see” Morgan frowned slightly, not quite sure what to say. Until this moment she had not regarded either Martin or William as being capable of having fears.

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