Tragic Beginnings

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Your POV

Age: 8

My name is Y/n Belladonna, and I can say for a fact that no one here cares about me. Right now I'm just sitting in my room, which consisted of an extremely firm mattress that might as well be a brick. My "mother" and "father" locked me in here because my "sister" Blake spilled tea on the White Fang leader Sienna Khan and said I did it. And the fact that I'm the only human on Managerie doesn't do me any favors. Since then, I was beaten by my father-Ghira and and scolded by my mother-Kali, and don't get me started on Blake. She would break Ghira's flower vases and said I did it, resulting in more beatings and being starved. Now I bet you're wondering, if my parents are faunus, how did the make a human? Simple, it was a birth defect. That's right all of this cruelty towards me is based on a fucking birth defect. My thoughts were broken like the hinged that held my door in place, it was Ghira.

"Y/N!! GET DOWNSTAIRS AND MAKE US BREAKFAST!!! NOW!", the voice of Ghira shouted with a threatening tone. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me downstairs and threw me into the kitchen. Everyone was talking about different things. At the table was the typical gang, Blake, Ghira, and Kali. But today there was someone new, Adam Taurus. When I looked at me he immediately kicked me in the gut. "Damn human scum." he said in a condescending voice. Once I got back up, I decided to make eggs for everyone and to make sure what kind everyone wanted, "W-What kind of e-eggs d-does everyone want?" I asked meekly.

Blake: Ugh, scrambled.

Ghira + Kali: Over easy.

Y/n: I'm guessing y-you two like l-life s-sunny side up? Hehe...

The whole table went silent and Adam socked me in the gut which made me double over. Yeah even in times like these, I still keep in touch with my humor, the only thing that keeps me sane.

Adam: You do not have the right to speak here! (Kicks me in the face, thus breaking my nose)

Blake: Nice job Adam. (Puts hand on his shoulder)

Y/n: O-Oh, I'm s-sorry. D-Do you want your eggs s-scrambled?

Adam: Fine, scum.

I went back to the oven and got started and cracked an egg over the pan to make the over easy egg first. It was made pretty quickly, and yes I washed my hands before cooking. Once I was done with the eggs, I gave them to Ghira and Kali. They inspected the eggs and a questioning look before taking a bite. "D-Do you l-like them?", I asked shyly. "You didn't add the salt..." Kali said in an intimidating voice to which I responded, "I-I'm sorry, I forgot to add-" I was interrupted by a slap to the face by Kali. "YOU STUPID CHILD! Can't you do anything right?!" She responded with force. I walked back to the stove and finished the scrambled eggs and added salt and pepper before serving it to everyone at the table. Their reactions were all the same, disappointment and disapproval. "W-What could I have done b-better?" I asked. "You could have not existed." Blake responded with complete apathy to which Kali replies, "*giggle* Nice one honey." Blake gave her mother a nod in response while Adam smirked.

I decided to head up into my room and fix the hinges but already found them fixed. I heard someone marching up the stairs and I turned to see Blake with a cocky shit eating grin. "You know, there were many ways to improve breakfast, but a human like you wouldn't know how. Not in a million years." I remained silent. "I see you met Adam, yeah I don't think he likes you." I gave her a look that said 'yeah no shit'. I turned away to go to my room but Blake had other plans, "You dare turn away from me?" I ignored her which probably pissed her off, but her angered expression was replaced my a sly mischievous grin. "Ow! Mom y/n grabbed my ear! It hurts!" She shouted in distress covering her left cat ear.

The next thing I knew, I felt a sword pierce my stomach and be pulled out followed by a punch to the face, making me fall to the floor. Thankfully I had unlocked my aura so I was able to heal from this rather quickly.

Kali: I can't believe you! We give you a roof over your head and your own separate room, but no that wasn't enough for you! I think you need to know this; you're adopted! I would never give birth to something like you and still have it! I thought adopting you would make peace between human and faunus, but no! You just had to just cause as much trouble as you can! Leave this household and never come back! This is the only warning you will get!

I got up and put my hand on my stomach to prevent any more blood loss. I limped out of the door and to the docks, where I received cold and angry glared in my direction. I ignored them and walked to the docks and left with a boat to a place called "Patch". Hopefully I can start over there. When I got on the boat I got more cold stares and some death threats from others all basically saying "stay away from my children". As I made my way to a corner of the ship where no one was, I curled into a ball and laid on my side and began to cry. "D-Don't worry y-y/n it will be b-better soon". I soon felt my eyes grow heavy and let sleep overtake me but not before telling myself the one thing that encouraged me to go on;

"Tomorrow is another day..."


That's a wrap! Alright thanks for reading and I'll try to update this regularly. I think this will be a nice change of pace for me. If you enjoyed leave a comment for me, I enjoy reading and responding to those. Anyway see ya next time!

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