Silly little things called flings

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(Authors Note: let me just preface this whole book by saying I'm writing in train of thought, I'll do my best to keep things in order but things might get jumbled up and if they do I'll try to make sure I notice. Think of this as you're having a conversation with your favorite ADHD friend.
With that let's get to the fun!)

I can say without a trace of doubt in my mind that I wasn't the "hot girl" in middle school.... or even high school really. It's not that I was particularly ugly it's more so that there were prettier girls that I hung around and I was kind of the bookworm, nerdy one. I was also given the ugliest haircut (see above photo)by a woman at the local teaching salon but I think that wasn't the only issue, I mean who back in middle school wanted to date the girl who used to ready Harry Potter in the cafeteria? No one really!

My first "boyfriend was a boy named Tristan. He was a year younger than me and since we were only 12 and 13 we never talked or saw each other, I think that's was what made him the best boyfriend I ever had! It only lasted about a week until I decided me going into high school would've broken us up, not the fact that we never spent time together and only had met twice.

After dating Tristan though that summer I started talking to a boy named Dakota, he was a year older and was my first real kiss( that is unless you count Zack who was a boy I hated and had kissed in a game of spin the bottle at a birthday party). I would like to think this would've been a saucy passionate kiss full of fireworks but you can only get so passionate when you're out in public and one of your older sisters friends drives by and sees you making out with some boy and calls your name out while driving by. Thanks guys!

As summer passed I was preparing for high school and being done with middle school. I wanted to fit in a bit better. With that I updated my Facebook to make me look cooler. I don't remember exactly what I did to update it besides take a new selfie and delete some old ones and  I felt like I had done sufficient work.

(Now with these being the boys before high school I wasn't left with many stories to write about them so instead let's talk about me! I'm currently a 23 year old Hufflepuff, I'm obsessed with my dog tucker and I work as a daycare teacher for toddlers. In high school I was the nerdy loud friend who just wanted to have fun and good conversation and I'm pretty much the same way now. Since I'm just starting off with just this one boring chapter let me know if I should write more and if you want to hear the really funny stuff because two full tinder years and some bad dates left me with a story to tell!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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