Good Hair.

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Name: Kendall Matthews
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Race/Ethnicity: Biracial, French and

Name: Kendall MatthewsAge: 18Gender: FemaleSexuality: LesbianRace/Ethnicity: Biracial, French and BlackLooks:

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Personality:Kendall has always been a natural optamist, always bubbly and carefree. She's a bit talkative and extroverted, but knows when to get serious and keep herself in check. She's like that girl who's friends with everyone, and I mean EVERYONE.

Scenario 1: You were starting college and during orientation, you see this beautiful girl sitting near the front. She catches your eye and you find her afterwords, near the dorms. She's among a group of people, but seems to standout more to you, laughing and smiling.

Scenario 2: You had went to get your hair done at the salon, like you always did for a touch up. A beautiful girl walks in, holding huge boxes and carrying them in herself. "Hey, I got the stuff you ordered Mrs. mom was unable to personally come this time, and I know how much y'all HATE my dad's awkward, nothing wrong with impressing all these fine women." She giggled and smiled, looking towards you.

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