Same boat, different stops.

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Name: Julissa Rodríguez-Caledron
Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight

          Ethnicity: Dominican-Cuban


Personality: Julissa is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet

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Personality: Julissa is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. Until you meet her. She's funny, loud, extroverted, and very proud of her dominican heritage. She's not as stuck up or snobby as her twin brother, mostly because she spent more time with her abuelo and abuela and hearing her tell stories about the dominican republic. She never hesrd many stories from her papa or his ma...but she loved her abula all the same too!
Backstory: Similar to Casey, Julissa did well in school, but flourished more in social settings. She made friends with everyone! Black kids, latino kids, white kids--she was just a people person! But when she turned 18, and her father's mama died, she shut herself off. She found out a lot of things about her.....what could those things be?

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