Chapter 3

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A/N yay, I'm actually updating on time this week! I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with these regular updates when I run out of prewritten chapters because I still haven't been able to write anymore of this. I still have two prewritten chapters left though so we'll see what happens.

  Tonight goes about the same as the night before. I help Riley get ready for bed, he takes his own bath this time though, and we curl up in my bed together, Riley falling asleep before my head even hits the pillow. He curls up into me again soon after.

Although I'm tired, I can't seem to want to sleep while looking at him. I take a chance by running my fingers through his soft hair, my hand eventually drifting to his ears to rub them a little. Riley begins to purr again, just like the few times before.

My hand later glides down his arms, feeling his soft skin. Riley has ditched my sweatshirt in favor of a lightweight T-shirt for bed. Part of me wishes I could touch more of him, but the sensible part of me recognizes how creepy that would be.

It takes me hours to finally drift to sleep, the warmth coming from Riley constantly waking me, but eventually I do. I almost wish I never woke up...


  When I wake, Riley has somehow ended up on top of me, both of us laying chest to chest. My heart rate immediately goes up at the position we're in. I think I had been having an unwholesome dream before I woke, because my hard-on is resting right under Riley's ass right now.

I know that I shouldn't, but the sensible part of me must still be asleep, because I'm about to take things too far.

My hips move almost without my permission. Riley is still purring, that fact almost spurring my movements. Riley begins making quiet noises of seeming pleasure as my hips move a bit faster, but he still hasn't woken up. My hands are currently on his waist but they drift downwards as I feel him harden slightly.

My hands end up resting on his plump ass, but I don't squeeze down like I want to. I know I should stop right now, that sensible part of me waking up a little, but my body still won't listen.

Riley's noises get a bit louder and he begins to stir awake. I freeze as he sits up quickly, noticing the situation we're in.

His eyes immediately sprout with tears and he starts shaking in utter fear. All the pleasure I was feeling seconds ago washes away, and I'm left with a sense of dread and a terrible guilt weighing on me.

"Riley..." I try to explain, but he's already up and running to the other side of the room. He gives me a cautious, hurt stare, as if he is a wounded animal and I'm the one who hurt him.

"Riley, I'm so so sorry. Oh my god, I'm sorry. You have to believe that I didn't mean to. I couldn't help it." I pause to take in what I just said. "What am I even saying? That's no excuse. Riley, I'm sorry." I get up to move towards him but he flinches away and I am once again reminded of the problem going on in my pants.

"I have to go take care of this," I mumble. "Please, don't go anywhere." With that I run into the bathroom.

I try to take deep breaths as I prepare a cold shower for myself, but now that I am completely awake I'm so appalled by my actions, that I can barely breathe. I can't believe I just did that. Riley barely knows or trusts me, he's been here barely a day, and here I go doing something like this.

All these thoughts of regret and self hatred help my problem disappear very quickly as I shower. I don't waste too much time washing my hair or trying to look nice. I need to get back to Riley, I need to explain.

I get out of the shower and put on the same clothes I wore to bed. I don't think explaining this to Riley while half naked in a towel would be a good idea.

When I leave the bathroom, Riley is not where I left him. My eyes widen and I begin to panic. Please tell me he didn't leave the room. My panicked thoughts are washed away when I hear sobs coming from my closet.

When I open the closet door, I find Riley huddled in the farthest corner, clutching a pillow in front of him almost like protection.

I kneel down slowly, hoping not to startle him even more. He moves farther away and gives me that wounded animal look again.

"Riley, please. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. Let me explain."

"You're just like all my other masters," Riley mumbles while hiding his face in the pillow. I almost don't hear him. Almost.

My whole body freezes, the room suddenly feeling ice cold.

"Riley," I say, my voice suddenly hard and unwavering. He flinches, thinking I'm angry, perhaps. "Riley, what do you mean by that?"

Riley barely peaks out at me over the pillow. The tears in his eyes look like they would be blinding.

He hides his face again, shaking his head.

I come closer, gently removing the pillow from in front of Riley's face. I ask again, a bit more gently, but with more emphasis. "What does that mean, Riley?"

"I don't want to tell you," he mumbles. "You probably already know."

I grab his chin gently in my hand, his eyes remain downcast. "Look at me," I say, voice cold again. His eyes turn up reluctantly. "I promise you, from the bottom of my heart, that what I did will never happen again. Not if you don't want it. Do you understand me?"

Riley nods. His expression is slowly turning to relief, so something in my voice must make him believe me.

I pull him into a cautious hug and he lets me. I let out a sigh of relief. "Never again, Rye, never again," I mumble into the top of his head as I give him a kiss there.

Eventually, I stand up, giving Riley a hand to stand beside me. "We're done with this conversation for now, but I expect a bigger explanation about what you meant later, okay?" I look him directly in the eyes as I say this so he knows I'm serious. I need to know what he was talking about "other masters."

Riley nods and looks down in defeat.

With that we leave the closet and Riley settles back into the bed.

I sigh. "Maybe I should just stay home today... or would you rather I leave?"

"You can stay, Master Paxton." He notices my wince. "Sorry, just Paxton."

I come to sit by him on the bed. "I'm not like any other masters, Riley. I'm not your master at all, do you get that?" I pause when he doesn't nod in understanding. "I'm just a kid, Rye, and I want to help you. But nothing is keeping you here, you don't belong to me. And if you ever want to leave, you're allowed to."

"I've never been without a master," Riley mumbles. "I think I'd like to stay anyway."

"You can stay as long as you want to," I tell him with a gentle smile.

"Paxton..." he pauses, "if you're not my master, what are you?"

I'm taken aback slightly at his question. "I suppose... I suppose, I'm just a friend, if you want me to be."

Riley smiles. "I've never had a friend before."

"I'll be honored to be your first," I respond, matching the brightness of his smile.


  The rest of the day goes by pretty relaxed and unexciting. My mom left to run some errands, so Riley and I spend the whole day in bed watching movies and eating unhealthy snacks. Most of which Riley has never eaten before, so seeing his reactions is fun.

It takes a while but about half way through the day, Riley starts to snuggle up to me, using my shoulder as a pillow, like when we sleep. I don't do anything to make him uncomfortable. I barely even move, my hand staying on his shoulder and never straying.

I'll have to be cautious with him for a while. I want to make this up to him. I want him to trust me. I want him to like me.

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