Chapter 4

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  The next week or so goes by pretty similarly to the first night and day Riley was here. I keep a good distance, but we can't seem to stop from cuddling every night. The only problem we've been running into is my mom's suspicion of how much food "I've" been eating. And by that, I mean how much food Riley and I have been eating.

I've nearly convinced her that it's a late-in-life growth spurt.

Riley has at least seemed to regain the trust he once had for me, and we've become quite close. My life is now like an everyday sleep over party. Sometimes it gets very hard to cover our laughs at 3am while we eat candy and binge Netflix.

That being said, life is pretty great right now.

At least, it was.

Riley has been staying for a little over two weeks and we had a pretty good routine going for us.

I return home every day to find him waiting for me, happy to me see me. Today is no different.

I walk into my room, saying semi-quietly, "Rye, it's me." Making Riley come barreling out of the closet and into my arms.

"Paxton! You're home."

I lift Riley off the ground, and today, as he does on occasion, he wraps his legs around my waist and lets me carry him around. The first time he did this I was a bit surprised, but overall happy since it means he's beginning to trust me again.

"I missed you," he says now, as I carry him over to the bed. I didn't even have a chance to take my shoes off yet.

"I missed you too, Rye, but you could at least let me through the door before tackling me." But I say it with a light chuckle so he knows I'm not really mad.

I sit down beside Riley after putting him on the bed and begin unlacing my shoes. "Sorry," he says, but he's smiling, too. "What are we gonna do now, Paxton?"

"Well," I say, "it's Friday so I have no school tomorrow. We can basically do whatever you want tonight."

Riley's eyes light up at that. "Can we have a Voltron marathon?" he asks excitedly.

I chuckle. "Jeez, you're really hooked on that show aren't you? If we have a marathon we'll probably be finished with it by now."

"Then we can watch it again." he says, completely unfazed.

"You have a Netflix addiction, my friend." With this, I get to my feet after placing a kiss atop Riley's head, something else we've been in the habit of doing. "I'll go get some snacks, you can load the show."

I pass my mom in the living room as I pass through it to go to the kitchen.

"What are you doing, sweetie?" she calls out to me.

"Just grabbing some snacks," I respond.

"Got any plans for tonight?"

"Nope, just a quiet night in."

"Alright, I won't bug you then. Have fun."

"Thanks. Have fun with your knitting," I say sarcastically, as I notice my mom glaring at the knitting needles in her hands and the knotted yarn connecting them.

"Ha ha," she responds just as sarcastically.

I rush back up the stairs and into my room where Riley is already surrounded by blankets and pillows on my bed, the show ready to play on the tv.

"I got your favorite," I say quietly to him while holding up a bag of strawberry gummies. Riley can't get enough of these things, he loves them so much.

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