It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (10)

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I hated the dark. No, I didn't think the monsters were going to come out and get me nor did I think that the Boogey man would eat me. It was the more realistic things that scared me. Okay, so maybe I should stop watching the News Channel or whatever, but I was constantly looking over my shoulder to see if there was an axe murderer hiding in the shadows waiting to jump out at me.

That's why I was more than relieved when I spotted a baby blue, metallic VW Camper Van parked in the corner of the guest parking area. I was even happier to see that the side door was open and the lights insider were on, as were the lights outside. As I got closer, I could hear people talking. Unless there was a really butch girl with them, they were all male voices that I could hear...and also some quiet music playing that I didn't recognise.

I stopped just outside the van and knocked my knuckles on the side of the door gently, alerting the people that I was there. Although I was in full view of them, they seemed to be engrossed in an animated conversation. On first glance, I noticed that one of the guys was Chris and sat either side of him were two males that I recognised as his friends from earlier.

"Hannah, hey!" Chris exclaimed when he saw me, and I smiled in response. "Take a seat. Do you want a drink?" He asked, motioning to a cooler in the corner of the van.

I shook my head as I sat down, glancing around me. The van wasn't at all like I expected. I think I was expecting a run down, shabby camper like people drive at festivals but I couldn't have been more wrong. It was a camper, but it was a luxurious one. There were lights that dimmed, black leather seats scattered with white velvet and cotton cushions, a mini bar with various drinks and a small coffee table in the centre of the sofas that wrapped around the edge of the interior. It wasn't big, but it wasn't cramped...I loved it.

"Sure?" Chris asked, wanting confirmation that I didn't want a drink. I noticed that the three lads had bottles of beer in their hands.

"I best not, to be honest. Not after, you know, the article. Think I'm going to lay off the alcohol for a bit." I laughed gently, letting him know I was joking.

He nodded his head at me, before jumping up and throwing himself into the seat next to me.

"This is Stuart." He said as he pointed to the blonde, long haired boy sat opposite me. "And this is Joe." He pointed at the guy next to the blonde one, who had short brown hair and was wearing a suit jacket. Nice dress sense if I ever saw one.

"Hey guys, I'm Hannah." I greeted, shaking their hands.

"We know." Stuart told me, which threw me back slightly. It threw me back enough to question it, anyway.

"Yeah, of course we know. Alex's little sister and guitar playing extrordinaire." He told me with a smile as he got up and jumped out of the van, motioning to the other boy to follow him.

"Come on, Joe! We have a party to get to!"

"Uh, alright." Joe muttered, following the other boy off of the bus and running off with him. What concerned me was that they were running towards the backstage area...which was off limits to visitors. I would have said something if they were random people, but they were Chris' friends...i don't tell on my friends.

"They've been invited to one of the after show parties, your brother's I think." Chris informed me, and I turned to face him.

"Oh! Makes sense." I laughed, "Weren't you invited? Because I can give Alex a slap from me, If you like."

He laughed back with me and a sudden pang of an emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint hit me, causing my laughter to fade out. I ignored it though, and carried on my conversation with Chris. I didn't want my emotions to make decisions for me.

It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now