Crash My Car Through Your Window

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I smiled. "Ronnie."
"What's up?" I asked him.
"Not much. It's boring as hell. How's it going with Craig?"
"I'm not trying to fight him every single second, so that's good."
"Good, I don't need you killing the singer, they would replace him."
"Maybe with someone better."
"Wishful thinking."
I caught Ronnie staring at my eyes. "What? Do I have something on my face?"
He shook his head. "No, it's just... I wish I could hold... Hug you."
"I could ask the guards?"
"Yeah. They probably won't let you."
"I'll ask." I went up to the guard and batted my eyes, using my patented "I want something, so let me get it" technique. I had used it on Ronnie the night I sucked his dick. I mean, the night I got him to let me take coke. It worked then. "If it's not much of an inconvenience, could Ronnie come out, just for a couple minutes? It would mean the world to me if I could hug him."
He stared at me. "I have to check to make sure you're not carrying anything illegal."
"Go ahead."
He patted me down. "Radke." He said, going up to the glass.
"Go around to the side door."
Ronnie did and the guard let him through. "Ten minutes."
He enveloped me in a hug. "I missed you, Ash."
I melted into the hug. "God, I missed you too."
"I missed you more. At least you have the guys."
"I'd much rather be here. Max told me someone told him about the night."
"Which one?"
"I was nineteen."
"Oh, that one?"
"I heard you wrote the song about it."
"To be fair, you could've realized it from the song."
"To be fair, you slept with a lot of girls. Probably went the same way as Situations."
Ronnie laughed and pushed some hair out of my face. "Fair. You know, there's been something I've really wanted to do."
"What is it?" I asked, still in his arms.
He leaned down and kissed me. "It was a good night." He mumbled against my lips.
I relished the kiss and returned the favor. "It was."
"Oh shit. I didn't think that you'd kiss back."
"Well, I did."
"Wow, I'm kissing Ash Charles, holy shit, I..."
"Oh, shut up, Ronnie." I stood on the tips of my toes and kissed him again.
His hands slid down to my waist. "I've wanted this for so long."
"So have I."
"They're never gonna let me out to hug you again."
"No, I suppose not."
He grinned idiotically. "You're amazing, you know that?"
"I've been told that by a few friends."
"And cocky, too."
"That I've been told a lot more."
"I believe it."
We just stood there for a few minutes, silent, until the guard came. "Radke, time to go."
Ronnie sighed. "Bye, Ash."
"Yeah." I said sadly.
He kissed my hair and left. I looked down at the floor and started walking to leave this building, to leave this memory.
"Is Craig here?" I demanded.
"No. Just me and Max." Robert said.
"Oh, come on!" I stormed off to Max's room and burst open the door. "Max!"
"Ronnie kissed me at the prison and I don't know what to do." I fell onto his bed and sighed.
"Oh, shit."
"I don't know what to do." I repeated.
He handed me something. "Here. Smoke."
I took a couple hits off of it and immediately began to relax. "Oh, thank God. What is it?"
"I dunno, got it from Omar."
"Fun." I took another hit. "Fuck, you know what I need to do?"
"I need to check up on Anthony. He hasn't visited Ronnie yet, I don't think. I told Ronnie I would a while back."
"Maybe you should."
"Yeah, I will." I took one last hit off of the thing and stood up. "Yeah. See you, Max."
"I'm assuming I'm not telling Craig?"
"No, don't."
I grabbed my car keys and went to the car. Sliding inside, I finally realized how dark it was. Like ten at night. Huh. I pulled out of the driveway and into the country road that led to Anthony's house. I turned on a song. It was Escape The Fate. It was Ronnie singing. I just don't know which song.
Suddenly, there was incoming headlights in my vision, on my side of the road. I tried to stop, but I didn't do it fast enough. My head was jerked forward and everything in the car flew into the air. I realized that car had just crashed into me. I tried to find my seatbelt, instead came up with my phone. For some reason, that song was still playing. All I could hear was "Keep my casket closed." Red dripped into my eyes. I wiped it away and noticed the sharp metallic smell that came with it. Blood. Slowly, I dialed a number. Please answer, please answer.
"Craig, I... I just... Something happened... My car... I was going to Anthony's... I'm bleeding."
"Ash, honey, are you okay?" He suddenly rushed into panic mode.
"I don't know."
"Okay, fuck, I'll be there in like, five minutes, okay? Hang on." He ended the call.
I still couldn't undo my seatbelt. At least I was wearing it. My hands smelled like gasoline. Looking down, I realized a piece of glass was embedded in my thigh. Everything at this point was like slow motion, but I was drifting in and out of consiousness. More blood dropped into my eyes. I wiped it away, leaving a streak of red on my arm.
I heard someone yelling my name, faintly. "Ash, Ash!" The door was ripped open. "Fuck, Ash, are you okay?"
"I don't..."
Craig reached over and undid my seatbelt. He lifted me up. "Oh, God, babe, what happened?"
"I don't know..."
He sat down on the pavement and laid me next to him. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay."
Those are two totally different things. 'It's okay' means that it is okay right at this very moment, which it most definitely was not. 'It's gonna be okay' meant that yeah you fucked up bad right now but hopefully it's gonna be okay but it probably won't be. That's was that meant. That's what he meant.
"Babe, hang on, I hear sirens." He wiped blood from my face. "I swear, you'll be okay, I promise."

AN: I didn't realize the chapter title and this part would line up so well together, but i guess it's fate haha. but when I was writing this, the song When I Go Out, I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire just kept replaying through my head. (Also an ETF song that Ronnie sings) which is abt a car crash. If you haven't heard it, listen, and this part will make a little more sense. (It's the song Ash is listening to while driving, which is pretty ironic) I've linked it on top :)

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