My Drummer Boy

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"Marissa," I whispered, shaking her gently. Her brown hair was sprawled everywhere, laying across me.

"Shush." She mumbled, placing a finger on my lips. I opened my mouth, biting her finger gently. She giggled, making my heart race.

"Give me my finger back!" She ordered tiredly. I chuckled, releasing her finger from in between my teeth. She turned so her back was on my legs. Neither of us payed attention to the TV.

"Sweetie, get up and come walk with me." I said, playfully shoving her off of me. She laughed, rolling off of me and sitting on the floor. I offered her my hand, helping her up. We got our shoes on and walked out of the house.

"Where are we going, Angelo?" She questioned, stressing my name.

"The park." I smiled. She smiled, her amazing brown eyes sparkling in the moonlight. She grabbed my hand, skipping down the street. I laughed loudly, swinging our hands back and forth. We got to the park in 5 minutes, immediately breaking our holds on each others hands when the small swing set came into sight. Marissa won, sticking her tongue out at me as she sat on the swing.

"I let you win." I joked, kissing her cheek before sitting on the swing next to her.

"Hey, I can't blame you; you sit behind a drum set instead of running around." She snickered. I acted hurt, swinging to the side so I could hug her.

"You're such a jerk." I laughed.

"Spiderweb?" She asked, pointing to the center of the playground. I nodded my head, grabbing her hand and walking with her to the toy. It went pretty high up, so we decided to climb to the top. I sat down first, helping Marissa sit down in front of me. Her thin legs slipped through the spiderwebs.

"Why did we come out here?" She asked, swinging her legs back and forth, lightly kicking my feet. I smiled at her.

"I wanted to ask you a question," I started, butterflies starting to fuss in my stomach.

"Go ahead baby." She smiled brightly. I reached into my letterman jacket, pulling out a small white box.

"Marissa, you're beautiful. You make me feel so alive, and happy. I want to say more, trust me beautiful, I do, but I want us to be together for the rest of our lives sooner. Will you marry me?" I asked. A hand covered her mouth. she nodded.

"Yes." She said, almost inaudible. I smiled, placing the ring on her finger. I hugged her tightly. I crushed our lips together, smiling and crying a little through the kiss. Nothing could make this moment better.

"I love you, Angelo." She smiled, wiping tears off of her face.

"I love you too, Marissa." I squeezed her hand, lacing our fingers together.

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