Ghost Girl

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"Give me my phone back!" I yelled, starting to run.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen!" Nikki laughed, running away gracefully.

"Nikki!" I growled, running faster than before. Her legs could carry her anywhere faster than anyone I've ever known.

"Ghost!" She turned around and jumped, forming a star with her figure.

She's too cute.

     I met Nikki a few years back and completely fell for her. The only problem with her being as perfect as she was? Everyone wanted to call her theirs. I stood back, waiting for her to see me. We were really good friends, so I didn't want to mess up the relationship we had. I was willing to take the risk tonight.

     Nikki made the mistake of running to the chain-link fence, a dead end. I caught up to her quickly. She turned to find me running at her and tried to get away, but I placed each of my hands by her head, closing the distance between us. I clutched the gate with my fingers, looking down to see her beautiful smile.

"Can I please have my phone back?" I asked sweetly. She shook her head.

"Please?" I asked again.

"Depends," She began. I gave her my full attention, forgetting about my phone.

"What do I have to do?" I questioned.

"Ryan told me you had a question." She stated.

I hate Ryan so much right now.

"Yeah, uhh..." I started.

"Dude, c'mon!" She playfully whined. I smiled.

"This is what I wanted to ask you." I pressed my lips against hers gently. Her fingers shook the fence in shock. I felt her hands move onto my hips, arms circling around me in a hug. She kissed me back, our lips dancing like we had done this before. I pulled away, smiling down at her.

"So?" I questioned. She smiled brightly, lacing her fingers behind my neck. My hands cupped her hips, fitting like puzzle pieces.

A loud, appreciative whistle made us pull away. I looked back to see Angelo staring at us. Nikki blushed, crushing herself into my chest. I squeezed her in a hug. We walked back over to the rest of the boys, hand in hand.

Nikki is finally my girlfriend.


I'm so sorry I didn't get this done faster! Forgive me Nikki! :) Comment, vote, and fan! Thanks guys!

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