Chris party (part 2)

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Y: wassup baby, I told you I would be here

S: yazz get off me I am not your baby anymore

*yazz makes his grip tighter as I try keep trying to push him off and than Chris starts to get up

C: yo man leave her alone

Y: babe who's this

S: I already told you I am not your babe, baby or anything now get off me. Your hurting me yazz

C: man she said get off her, so get off her before I punch you

Y: who you think you talking to. You don't even know her or me so let's go Serayah

C: she ain't going no where

*next thing I know yazz let go of me holding onto his nose, while I fall on to the floor hurting my ankle*

C:nigga I told you to leave her alone *hitting him again*

Y: nigga you ain't shit you not even with her

*tries to hit chris nose back and misses but hits the side of his face*

C: get off my property man!

Y: fine, serayah let's go

*i start to pout and back up away from him while falling at the same time because of my ankle*


C: she ain't going no where with you so keep moving

Y: I know where you'll be

*than yazz walks away *

C: you okay

S: yea I am

I say before I start to cry a little bit but before I could let it out I say

S: can I go to the bathroom

C: yea, yea sure

as I walk up the hill of his driveway I start to feel tears coming down my eyes as I keep limping. Chris sees me struggling and tries to come help me but I don't want him to see me crying so I try and walk faster then he stops because he notices that I don't want help.

After I get to the bathroom I completely break down

I don't know why I am crying, but with yazz there is always this type of love I will always have for him because of how we were so in love and I fell for him just like any girl would and I couldn't believe I could be so stupid. Once I saw him with another girl I just couldn't be with him anymore and it wasn't just once it was 3 times.

In the middle of my break down there is a knock on the door

Se: are you okay, Chris told me what happened

S: yea I'm okay go enjoy your party

Se: girl come talk to me ..... please

S:okay fine

*i open the door and there she is with her hands open*

Se: now tell me ur side of what happened

So I told her everything that happened even before the after party

Se: but I never invited him how did he even get in

S: I don't know but I am going to go to the kitchen to get me some ice

Se: no stay here I can get it go to the guest room upstairs, 3 door on your right

*so I went upstairs to the guest room*

When I got there it took her about 7-8 mins before the door opened

S: dang it took you long enou-

*i stop*

C: hey, here's your ice, don't be mad at sevyn I just wanted to come talk to you if that okay with you

S: yea i guess it's okay

*first Chris pulls my leg up on the bed and softly puts the ice on my ankle then he scoots closer to me*

C: okay well this might be horrible timing but I really want you to know where I am at and I really like you and I want to give it a try

Chris left me speechless and I haven't even known him for more than 24 hrs

S: Chris I haven't even known you for 24 hrs we know nothing about each other

C: exactly that's why we should go out and get to know each other how about I take you to lunch tomorrow

S: I don't know, a lot has happened and you just got out of a relationship

C: yes I know but I know you was feeling me and you don't have to have a answer right now just think about it

*than he gets up*

C: also if you want you can stay here for the night if you need to

S: thanks chris, I guess I haven't said thank you and I really appreciate what you did

C: no problem, do you need anything ?

S: can you tell sevyn to bring me some clothes that I can wear tomorrow and do you have a really big t- shirt I can wear for bed?

C: yea I do, and I'll tell her

S: thank you

*he closes the door*

*15 mins later*

*knock knock*

S:come in

C: so I brought you the big shirt you wanted

S:thanks Chris

C: anytime , and have you thought about going to lunch with me yet ?

S: boy it's only been 15 mins I'll tell you tomorrow morning I promise

C: k, cool

S:Chris why do you like me, I mean we only met today and you already asked me out

C: honestly I am not used to having a girl I am interested in that I want a relationship so when we were talking and I got to know you I was like wow she's amazing and I want her own my arm everywhere I go. Ammika and I were not really in a relationship we were just each other's hook up that was a little more than a hook up, who went places together. I really want to try this out and I feel like we could do this.

I'm speechless at what he said I can't believe CHRIS FREAKING BROWN wants me

C: so you still gon think about it ?

S: yea imma think about it for sure , also can you come closer for a second

*he came closer than I got up a little bit and kissed him on the cheek*

S: goodnight Chris

C: see ya rayah

Sorry this chapter was short I had a lot going on but don't worry next chapter will be longer than this one. Sorry for any wrong  grammar/ spelling. Please continue to read and comment things thanks

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