10. Okay, This is Getting Ridiculous.

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It wasn't long before the rest of the Firehouse was awake, and it seemed like everyone went to the garage to check on the situation. Blades was sitting on the edge of the nest, watching his son crawl around the inside. "Use your feet...!" He chuckled, gently nudging the tiny pterosaur's legs up under him, but as soon as he'd get moving again, he'd go back to dragging them behind him as he used his hands to pull himself along.

"What's up?" Cody asked.

"Well, he's mastered the 'Commando Crawl...'" Blades muttered. He nudged his son's legs back under him. "Watch." He stepped back, and once again, the tiny bot just dragged them behind. "...I'm trying to show him, but-"

"He'll get it." Cody assured, stroking the sparkling's head with a hand. "He's only a day old, after all."

"Right!" Graham agreed, "I mean he's already somewhat crawling. We humans take months to get to that point."

Blades smirked, "I'm not worried...Well, maybe a little. I mean, who knows what all that abuse to his egg could have done to effect him, you know?"

"He'll be fine..."


Their eyes all turned to the door as it opened, and a shape rolled in, covered wheel to rooftop in snow. "Heatwave?"

There was a faint thumping, and then the snow broke off of Heatwave's door, letting Kade's leg stick out as he kicked it open. "Whew! That was...Eventful."

Heatwave sent heaps of snow plummeting to the floor as he transformed into robot mode, shaking the white substance from his chassis and shivering. "I'll say...Next time the Rubios should just stay home...!"

"Oh no!" Dani teased as she entered the room, "It's the abominable snowbot! Whatever shall we do!?"

Heatwave glared at the human, "Okay, snow can be fun. I admit to that." Heatwave brushed snow off of his helmet, "...But this is too much of it!"

"Can't say that I disagree with Heatwave." Chief murmured, "It may be pretty, but it comes with its own problems."

Blades chuckled, and then looked down as his son squeaked. "What is it?" He followed the tiny bot's gaze to the pile of melting precipitation on the floor. "...The snow?" He collected the infant into his hand and walked outside of the garage. The entire island was still covered in a thick blanket of white, though thankfully none was presently falling from the clouds.

The little dinobot squeaked, and Blades lowered him down closer to the snow drifts by the firehouse. "You like the snow?" His son squirmed, reaching for the snow, and Blades gently placed the sparkling down on the ground. The little bot cooed, poking the snow with his tiny fingers and pulling little handfuls of it into his hands. His optics were wide as he played with the frozen substance, and Blades couldn't help but smile. The others came out and smiled as well.

"Aww...!" Dani cooed, "I almost wanna make him a little hat and mittens...!"

"You can't knit!" Kade expressed.

"But I could learn!...Probably..."

Taylor wrapped an arm around her, "I don't really see you enjoying knitting that much...It's not very thrilling."


Blades watched for a few more minutes, and then scooped his son up into his hands once more. The little bot fussed, reaching for the snow again. "Hey, there will be plenty more playing later. We don't want you to freeze your circuits by getting too cold." His son whimpered a little bit more, but stopped as Blades rubbed noses with him. "I have got to think of a name for you...You can't be 'Baby Bot' forever."

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