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Tears ran down my eyes as I saw my sister Joy hurting herself.I tell her to stop.Her eyes were all puffy.Ive never seen her like this.I wanted to hug her but I couldn't.It was almost like I couldn't move.She finally stopped.At that time I wasn't sure why she would do that to herself. My other sister Bae was standing next to me and reassured me.She was also crying.She told me that our sister was going to be ok.I tried my best to believe her.Despite being the youngest and only 11 I knew that my eldest sister Joy was depressed.So when I got the courage to walk over to my sister joy i hugged her. And told her that I loved her.That we all did.A month passed and she made a decision that made a big impact on her life.She finally decided to get some professional help.I am so happy she did.She is much better now and is happier than ever.I just want to say that to anyone dealing with depression,it is ok to not be ok and it is also ok to ask for help.Don't be afraid of asking for help or telling anyone.Depression is not just an emotion,it is also an illness that needs to be treated.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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