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4 year pass. Now I 14.  I diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, PTSD, trauma, gay, autism, bipolar, depression, insomnia, anxiety, infertility, bulimia, obesity, anorexia, orthorexia, BCD, EDNOS, CSD, schizophrenia, diabulimia, AIDS, Africa, MPD, sensory disorder, erectile dysfunction, retardation, thick pubic hair, excessive hormone disorder, scoliosis, arthritis, inverted kneecaps, kidney stones, tongue pimples, warts, ovarian cysts, breast cancer, SIDS, and facial deformities.

I sad now. So sad. Lay bed. Cry.

Miss those hot guys from 4 year later opposite. They gay though. Feel not bad. They still attracted to me cuease I hot gorl.

Moving to new home. Pack bag. New home is Woods. Oh no. Go. See house.

Cool. Here noise.  Look behind see tall man. He sexy. Variety hot. He wear masked. Take off . Ugly an repulsive but still sex and hot. He big knife.


" I eat you." He say

"Naw" I did respond to him back

He jump on me with mega fork WE ARE SEX NOW. He hot. Smirk. Woods dirty so go under bed. See woodland creature dieath. Dinner later. Right now we sex. He take his large peepee stick out. Slap my bald cancer head. I so happy. He put peeper in me hooha. I hope he dont get disease but still hot. He throw me on floor and spank I. Very g ood.  I like. We like. He like. It good. Pleased. He pull out and put in mouth. Taste like Strawberry and granola.

He fuck like grandpa but that hot. He put his big, hot, slimy hands on my neck. Choke me. So hot. Cant breath.

He spill his peepee juice in mouth. Taste like garlic and honey. Swallow. Still choke me.

Kick his nut. Let go. Breath. He leave. Sleep on floor.

Warn- new charact sexual

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